Burns and other officials said the issue is not whether Scientology is good or bad, benign or malevolent.
I have the feeling that all the malevolent forces in the world have turned on me.
It seemed that a malevolent spirit was out to get me.
Later, when my mind is rearranged, their expressions will come to seem contemptuous; even malevolent.
Looking at the pompous, malevolent priest in his humiliation, Jane knew he would never forget what she had done.
Then you saw evil - soulless, malevolent evil.
What credence can we give to his story of some malevolent person waiting in a window alcove?
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►malevolent look/stare/smile etc
He gave her a dark, malevolent look.
a malevolent person wants to harm other peopleSYN evilOPP benevolentmalevolent look/stare/smile etc He gave her a dark, malevolent look.—malevolence noun [uncountable]—malevolently adverb