1300-1400Old French, Medieval Latinmalleabilis, from malleare ‘to hit with a hammer’
A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet whereas a ductile metal can be drawn out into a wire.
Instead, they designated Tran Trong Kim, a mild and malleable professor.
Labor activists say that although there are no legal age cutoffs, the industries prefer to hire young and malleable workers.
Many metals are malleable and ductile.
Nature is not inflexible but malleable.
The hull contained a mass of dissimilar metals: steel, cast and malleable iron, brass. bronze and lead.
While the synapse is only an inefficient chemical middleman in what are otherwise efficient electrical processes, it is a malleable middleman.
1 technical something that is malleable is easy to press or pull into a new shape: malleable steel2 formal someone who is malleable can be easily influenced or changed by other people: a malleable child—malleability /ˌmæliəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]