The socialists were accused of being obstructive and delaying the decision-making process.
Along with others, Gassendi obviously felt that this whole elaborate conceptual structure was obstructive to, rather than productive of, knowledge.
Apparently he has a history of COADs - chronic obstructive airways disease.
But snoring loudly and habitually can be an indication of a potentially life-threatening breathing disturbance known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.
It was ludicrously swollen, unnecessarily big and wholly obstructive to anything that looked like a new idea.
Local councillors can be quite obstructive to new ventures by farmers.
The duration of obstructive symptoms varied widely with a range from a few weeks to several years.
The pace of ideation is for the most part so great that a more formal procedure of idea-handling would be obstructive and pointless.
· Since then these stents have been used in bile ducts for malignant obstructive jaundice and are placed either percutaneously or endoscopically.· Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.· Patients presenting with obstructive jaundice caused by bile duct stricture may be managed by either surgery or stenting.· In most cases, the alkaline phosphatase value in obstructive jaundice is higher than in intrahepatic jaundice.
· The duration of obstructive symptoms varied widely with a range from a few weeks to several years.· Thirteen had an acute or subacute self limiting condition, but the remaining three had several years history of recurrent obstructive symptoms.· Eleven of the 17 patients with malignant strictures presented with obstructive symptoms.
1trying to prevent someone from doing something, by deliberately making it difficult for them: an obstructive official obstructive tactics2 medical relating to a blocked tube, passage etc in the body: obstructive symptoms