To its critics, "affirmative action" is seen as patronizing to women and minorities.
In this situation, abject apologies in some respects remain complicit with the patronizing attitudes from which they attempt to disassociate themselves.
Olga seemed to be more patronizing than ever today.
These measures increased the sometimes petty and patronizing intervention of officials in poor families.
This is why the tone of his communications with me has that slightly patronizing and protective edge.
What exactly did he see in this patronizing little squirt?
While a few felt that the social workers, were helpful and supportive an equal number considered them to be patronizing and authoritarian.
COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES►patronizing/condescending attitude
(=showing that you think you are more important or intelligent than someone)· complaints about patronising attitudes towards women
someone who is patronizing talks to you in a way that shows they think you are less intelligent or important than themSYN condescending: a patronizing attitude a patronizing tone I don’t mean to sound patronizing.—patronizingly adverb