释义 |
English translation of '一发' 副 - (= 更加)
even more ⇒ 如不抓紧处理,局面将一发不可收拾。 (Rú bù zhuājǐn chǔlǐ, júmiàn jiāng yīfā bùkě shōushi.) If we don't deal with the matter quickly, the situation will become even more unmanageable.
- (= 一并)
together ⇒ 这件事情,明天会上和其他事情一发讨论。 (Zhè jiàn shìqing, míngtiān huì shang hé qítā shìqing yīfā tǎolùn.) We'll deal with this matter together with other issues at the meeting tomorrow.