⇒ 他俩爱好一样。
(Tā liǎ àihào yīyàng.) They have the same hobbies.
⇒ 两个人成绩一样好。
(Liǎng gè rén chéngjì yīyàng hǎo.) Their results are equally good.
⇒ 姐俩性格完全不一样。
(Jiě liǎ xìnggé wánquán bù yīyàng.) The sisters' personalities are completely different.
⇒ 这位老人的头发像雪一样白。
(Zhè wèi lǎorén de tóufa xiàng xuě yīyàng bái.) The old man's hair is as white as snow.