a white crystalline aldehyde found in vanilla and many natural balsams and resins; 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. It is a by-product of paper manufacture and is used as a flavouring and in perfumes and pharmaceuticals. Formula: (CH3O)(OH)C6H3CHO
vanillin in American English
(vəˈnɪlɪn; ˈvænəlɪn)
a fragrant, white, crystalline substance, (CH3O)(OH)C6H3CHO, produced from the vanilla bean or made synthetically: used for flavoring, in the manufacture of perfumes, etc.
vanillin in the Pharmaceutical Industry
(Pharmaceutical: Excipients)
Vanillin is a white crystalline substance found in vanilla and used as a flavoring.
The tablets are coated with a vanillin flavoring because they have a strong taste and odor.
The compound vanillin is extracted or created from vanilla and used to flavor pharmaceutical preparations.
Vanillin is a white crystalline substance found in vanilla and used as a flavoring.