Customs is the official organization responsible for collecting taxes on goods coming into a country and preventing illegal goods from being brought in.
...components similar to those seized by British customs.
...customs officers.
2. uncountable noun
Customs is the place where people arriving from a foreign country have to declare goods that they bring with them.
He walked through customs.
3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Customs duties are taxes that people pay for importing and exporting goods.
4. See also custom
More Synonyms of customs
customs in British English
noun(functioning as singular or plural)
duty on imports or exports
the government department responsible for the collection of these duties
the part of a port, airport, frontier station, etc, where baggage and freight are examined for dutiable goods and contraband
the procedure for examining baggage and freight, paying duty, etc
(as modifier)
customs officer
Examples of 'customs' in a sentence
Like me, he had guessed it was drugs the customs officers would be searching for.
Innes, Hammond HIGH STAND (2002)
During the on-board customs inspection at Vyborg, she played the Swiss tourist, pretending to speak no Russian.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
In other languages
British English: customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ NOUN
Customs is the official organization responsible for collecting taxes on goods coming into a country and preventing illegal goods from being brought in.
Customs discovered the goods in his suitcase.
American English: customs
Arabic: رُسُوم جُمْرُكِيَّة
Brazilian Portuguese: alfândega
Chinese: 海关
Croatian: carina
Czech: celní úřad
Danish: skikke
Dutch: douane
European Spanish: aduana
Finnish: tulli
French: douane
German: Zollabfertigung
Greek: τελωνείο
Italian: dogana
Japanese: 関税
Korean: 관세
Norwegian: toll
Polish: cło
European Portuguese: alfândega
Romanian: vamă
Russian: таможня
Latin American Spanish: aduana
Swedish: tull
Thai: ศุลกากร
Turkish: gümrük
Ukrainian: митниця
Vietnamese: hải quan
All related terms of 'customs'
A custom is an activity, a way of behaving , or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances .
customs duty
a tax payable to customs when importing or exporting goods
customs form
a form for customs , concerning the nature , value, destination , etc, of goods being imported or exported
customs post
→ another name for custom house
customs shed
a large building in which customs officers carry out customs inspections
customs union
an association of nations which promotes free trade within the union and establishes common tariffs on trade with nonmember nations
customs broker
a person whose job is to assist businesses in clearing imported or exported goods through customs
customs officer
a person employed by a customs service
customs service
The Customs Service is a United States federal organization which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare → Customs and Excise .
Spanish customs
irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances , reduced working hours , etc
customs brokerage
the work of a customs broker
customs clearance
the permission to take goods into or out of a country once customs requirements have been satisfied
customs inspection
an inspection carried out by a customs department
customs official
→ another name for customs officer
marriage customs
the acts that are traditionally done in connection with a marriage
Customs and Excise
Customs and Excise is a British government department which is responsible for collecting taxes on imported and exported goods. Compare → Customs Service .
customs declaration
a form declaring the nature and value of goods, etc, for customs purposes
customs regulations
the regulations relating to customs in a particular country
old Spanish customs
irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances , reduced working hours , etc
custom house
a government office, esp at a port, where customs are collected and ships cleared for entry
(plural noun)
duty charged on imports or exports
Some merchants imported goods without paying the full customs.