unstoppable ⇒ 信息全球化势不可挡。 Xìnxī quánqiúhuà shì bù kě dǎng. → The globalization of information is unstoppable.
extremely anxious
unstoppable ⇒ 这个球队锐不可当,一举拿下冠军。 Zhège qiúduì ruì bù kě dāng, yījǔ náxià guànjūn. → This team is unstoppable — they won the championship with one bash at it.
unattainable ⇒ 登上月球,对古人来说是可望而不可即的幻想。 Dēngshàng yuèqiú, duì gǔrén lái shuō shì kě wàng ér bù kě jí de huànxiǎng. → Previous generations would never have believed that man could go to the moon.
English translation of '不可'
(= 不可以)
⇒ 不可一概而论。 (Bùkě yīgài ér lùn.) You can't generalize.
⇒ 植物生长,水和阳光两者缺一不可。 (Zhíwù shēngzhǎng, shuǐ hé yángguāng liǎngzhě quē yī bùkě.) For plants to grow they must have both sun and water.
⇒ 我们不可忽视年轻人的心理健康。 (Wǒmen bùkě hūshì niánqīngrén de xīnlǐ jiànkāng.) We shouldn't overlook the mental health of young people.
⇒ 我们对这些疾病不可不防。 (Wǒmen duì zhèxiē jíbìng bùkě bù fáng.) We mustn't fail to take steps against such diseases.
⇒ 今天非下雨不可。 (Jīntiān fēi xiàyǔ bùkě.) It will certainly rain today.
⇒ 你非挨批不可。 (Nǐ fēi ái pī bùkě.) You are bound to be criticized.
⇒ 我们非得解决这个问题不可。 (Wǒmen fēiděi jiějué zhège wèntí bùkě.) We absolutely have to sort this problem out.