a recurring period of time in which certain events or phenomena occur and reach completion or repeat themselves in a regular sequence
a completed series of events that follows or is followed by another series of similar events occurring in the same sequence
the time taken or needed for one such series
a vast period of time; age; aeon
a group of poems or prose narratives forming a continuous story about a central figure or event
the Arthurian cycle
a series of miracle plays
the Chester cycle
a group or sequence of songs
song cycle
8. short for bicycle, tricycle, motorcycle
9. astronomy
the orbit of a celestial body
a recurrent series of events or processes in plants and animals
a life cycle
a growth cycle
a metabolic cycle
11. physics
a continuous change or a sequence of changes in the state of a system that leads tothe restoration of the system to its original state after a finite period of time
one of a series of repeated changes in the magnitude of a periodically varying quantity, such as current or voltage
13. computing
a set of operations that can be both treated and repeated as a unit
the time required to complete a set of operations
one oscillation of the regular voltage waveform used to synchronize processes in a digital computer
(in generative grammar) the set of cyclic rules
15. (transitive)
to process through a cycle or system
16. (intransitive)
to move in or pass through cycles
to travel by or ride a bicycle or tricycle
Examples of 'cyclus' in a sentence
Cyclus length was normal in 31.8% (27-34 days).
Mehtap Evran, Huseyin Tugsan Balli, Murat Sert, Bekir Tamer Tetiker 2016, 'Metabolic evaluation and measurement of ovarian volume in polycystic ovary sydrome:a cross-sectional observational study', Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisihttp://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=189885. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)