Scorpio is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a scorpion. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of October and the 21st of November come under this sign.
2. countable noun
A Scorpio is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Scorpio.
Scorpio in British English
1. Also called: the Scorpion astrology
the eighth sign of the zodiac, symbol ♏, having a fixed water classification and ruled by the planet Mars and the dwarf planet Pluto. The sun is in this sign between about Oct 23 and Nov 21
a person born during a period when the sun is in this sign
2. astronomy another name for Scorpius
3. astrology
born under or characteristic of Scorpio
Also (for senses 1b, 3): Scorpionic
Word origin
Latin: scorpion
Scorpio in American English
1. Obsolete
the eighth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about October 24
a person born under this sign
Word origin
L, lit., scorpion
In other languages
British English: Scorpio /ˈskɔːpɪˌəʊ/ NOUN
Scorpio is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a scorpion. People who are born between the 23rd of October and the 21st of November come under this sign.
American English: Scorpio
Arabic: العَقْرَب
Brazilian Portuguese: Escorpião
Chinese: 天蝎座
Croatian: škorpion horoskop
Czech: Štír znamení
Danish: Skorpionen
Dutch: Schorpioen sterrenbeeld
European Spanish: escorpio
Finnish: skorpioni horoskooppimerkki
French: Scorpion horoscope
German: Skorpion Tierkreiszeichen
Greek: Σκορπιός ζώδιο
Italian: Scorpione
Japanese: 蠍座
Korean: 전갈자리
Norwegian: skorpionen
Polish: Skorpion horoskop
European Portuguese: Escorpião
Romanian: Scorpion
Russian: Скорпион
Latin American Spanish: Escorpión
Swedish: Skorpionen
Thai: ราศีพฤศจิก
Turkish: Akrep burcu
Ukrainian: Скорпіон
Vietnamese: cung Hổ cáp
Definition of 'Scorpio'
Chinese translation of 'Scorpio'
(u) (= sign) 天蝎(蠍)座 (Tiānxiē Zuò)
(c) (= person) 天蝎(蠍)座的人 (Tiānxiē Zuò de rén) (个(個), gè)