The cells had thinner walls and sometimes were multinucleate.
Robert Deuber, Reinaldo Forstee, Lúcia H. Signori, Dixier M. Medina 1977, 'Efeitos de herbicidas na anatomia de capim-carrapicho e amendoim-bravo Effect of herbicideson the anatomy of Cenchrus echinatus and Euphorbia heterophylla', Bragantia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Their life cycle includes merogony with multinucleate plasmodia and sporogony leading to small, uninucleate spores.
Renate Radek, Christian Wurzbacher, Sebastian Gisder, R. Henrik Nilsson, Anja Owerfeldt,Elke Genersch, Paul M. Kirk, Kerstin Voigt 2017, 'Morphologic and molecular data help adopting the insect-pathogenic nephridiophagids(Nephridiophagidae) among the early diverging fungal lineages, close to the Chytridiomycota',MycoKeys Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Neutrophils, plasma cells, sheets of foamy macrophages and occasional multinucleate giant cells were seen.
Kotasthane Vaishali D, Kotasthane Dhananjay S, Singh Reecha, Gupta Geetanjali, KumarShailesh 2010, 'Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in a male child with renal vein thrombus extendinginto the inferior vena cava: a Case Report', BMC Pediatrics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This structure consists in an aerial hifae, multinucleate vesicle and uninucleate cells.
Simone Jurema Ruggeri Chiuchetta, Uériton Dias de Oliveira e Josy Fraccaro de Marins 2006, 'EVALUATION OF CELL CYCLE OF Aspergillus nidulans EXPOSED TO THE EXTRACT OF Copaiferaofficinalis L PLANT', SaBios Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Even if some small galls were formed, they were filled with multinucleate secondary plasmodia.
Tao Chen, Kai BI, Zhangchao He, Gaozhi Xiao, Ying Zhao, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, JiasenCheng, Daohong Jiang 2016, 'Arabidopsis mutant bik1 exhibits strong resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae', Frontiers in Physiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Multinucleate plasmodia developed into many, single resting spores.
Franz Goecke, Jutta Wiese, Alejandra Núñez, Antje Labes, Johannes F Imhoff, SigridNeuhauser 2012, 'A novel phytomyxean parasite associated with galls on the bull-kelp Durvillaea antarctica(Chamisso) Hariot.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The frequency of multinucleate structures was 19.4% under these conditions.
Ugur Bal, Sebnem Ellialtioglu, Kazim Abak 2009, 'Induction of symmetrical nucleus division and multi-nucleate structures in microsporesof eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) cultured in vitro Indução de divisão nuclear simétricae estruturas multinucleadas em micrósporos de berinjela (Solanum melongena L.) cultivadosin vitro', Scientia Agricola Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The microscopic examination showed a large number of multinucleate giant cells scattered over the parenchyma.
Amit Sharma, Amy E. Armstrong 2012, 'Giant Cell Tumor of Rib Arising Anteriorly as a Large Inframammary Mass: A Case Reportand Review of the Literature', Case Reports in Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Multinucleate giant cells/syncytia and characteristic viral inclusion bodies were variably observed in these organs.
Josué Díaz-Delgado, Kátia R. Groch, Eva Sierra, Simona Sacchini, Daniele Zucca, ÓscarQuesada-Canales, Manuel Arbelo, Antonio Fernández, Elitieri Santos, Joana Ikeda, RafaelCarvalho, Alexandre F. Azevedo, Jose Lailson-Brito, Leonardo Flach, Rodrigo Ressio,Cristina T. Kanamura, Marcelo Sansone, Cíntia Favero, Brian F. Porter, Cinzia Centelleghe,Sandro Mazzariol, Ludovica Di Renzo, Gabriella Di Francesco, Giovanni Di Guardo, JoséLuiz Catão-Dias 2019, 'Comparative histopathologic and viral immunohistochemical studies on CeMV infectionamong Western Mediterranean, Northeast-Central, and Southwestern Atlantic cetaceans',PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0213363. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The process of myogenesis includes the recognition, adhesion, and fusion of committed myoblasts into multinucleate syncytia.
Shruti Haralalka, Claude Shelton, Heather N. Cartwright, Fengli Guo, Rhonda Trimble,Ram P. Kumar, Susan M. Abmayr 2014, 'Live Imaging Provides New Insights on Dynamic F-Actin Filopodia and Differential Endocytosisduring Myoblast Fusion in Drosophila', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0114126. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (