A decibel is a unit of measurement which is used to indicate how loud a sound is.
Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.
decibel in British English
a unit for comparing two currents, voltages, or power levels, equal to one tenth of a bel
a similar unit for measuring the intensity of a sound. It is equal to ten times the logarithm to the base ten of the ratio of the intensity of the sound to be measured to the intensity of some reference sound, usually the lowest audible note of the same frequency
Abbreviation: dB. See also perceived noise decibel
decibel in American English
(ˈdɛsəbəl; ˈbɛsəˌbɛl)
1. Acoustics
a numerical expression of the relative loudness of a sound: the difference in decibels between two sounds is ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of their power levels
2. Electronics and Radio
a numerical expression of the relative differences in power levels of electrical signals equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two signal powers Sometimes an absolute reference is used in the power ratio (10-16 watt per sq cm in acoustics, one milliwatt in electronics and radio)
Word origin
deci- + bel
decibel in Electrical Engineering
(dɛsɪbɛl) or dB
Word forms: (regular plural) decibels
(Electrical engineering: Circuits, Computing and control)
A decibel is a method for specifying the ratio of two signals.
The sound level on a microphone is measured in units of decibels relative to the average response of the system to all frequencies.
Generally speaking, through air, noise decreases by six decibels for a doubling of distance when sound emanates from a single point in space.
A decibel is a method for specifying the ratio of two signals.
Examples of 'decibel' in a sentence
And the stereo has a maximum volume of about two decibels.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
There now seems only two or three decibels between the noise of fracking and what the planners would have been happy with.
The Sun (2015)
Personal music players are allowed to reach 100 decibels.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
This makes it appear clearer and louder than the surrounding programme, although this is not something that shows up when you measure the actual decibels.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
He measured 96 decibels on our meter - as loud as an electric blender.
The Sun (2010)
There is presently no legal maximum and some MP3 players were found to reach 120 decibels.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Most cats reach 25 decibels but she hits 92 and stops only when dozing.
The Sun (2011)
High performance cars must pass a test showing that they do not exceed 76 decibels at 30mph.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The roar has been recorded at 127 decibels, louder than a jet plane taking off.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Wind turbines will be permitted to produce no more than 45 decibels of sound, about the sound of a normal conversation.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
In other languages
British English: decibel NOUN
A decibel is a unit of measurement which is used to indicate how loud a sound is.
Continuous exposure to sound above 80 decibels could be harmful.