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View usage for: (bɪkʌmɪŋ) 1. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]A piece of clothing, a colour, or a hairstyle that is becoming makes the person who is wearing it look attractive. [old-fashioned] Softer fabrics are much more becoming than stiffer ones. Synonyms: flattering, pretty, attractive, enhancing More Synonyms of becoming becomingly adverb Her dress was of blue silk, quite light, and becomingly open at the neck. 2. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]Behaviour that is becoming is appropriate and proper in the circumstances. This behaviour is not any more becoming among our politicians than it is among ourvoters. Synonyms: appropriate, right, seemly, fitting More Synonyms of becoming becoming in British English (bɪˈkʌmɪŋ) noun3. (in the philosophy of Aristotle) any change from the lower level of potentiality to the higher level of actuality Derived forms becomingly (beˈcomingly) adverb becomingness (beˈcomingness) noun becoming in American English (biˈkʌmɪŋ; bɪˈkʌmɪŋ) adjective1. that is suitable or appropriate; fit 2. suitable to the wearer a becoming gown noun3. the fact of coming into existence Derived forms becomingly (beˈcomingly) adverb Examples of 'becoming' in a sentencebecoming Switzerland was the primary choice, attracting almost fifty per cent of the business, although Cyprus was becoming increasingly popular.His eyesight was worsening daily; he was becoming the Mr. Magoo of butchers. Softer fabrics are much more becoming than stiffer ones. Synonyms enhancing stylish well-chosen Opposites ugly , unattractive , unflattering , unbecoming Definition suitable or appropriate This behaviour is not becoming among our politicians. Synonyms worthy in keeping befitting comme il faut (French) congruous meet (archaic) Opposites inappropriate , unfit , unsuitable , improper , unworthy Additional synonymsDefinition appealing to the senses or mind We are often drawn to attractive people. Synonyms seductive, charming, tempting, interesting, pleasing, pretty, fair, beautiful, inviting, engaging, likable or likeable, lovely, winning, sexy (informal), pleasant, handsome, fetching (informal), good-looking, glamorous, gorgeous (informal), magnetic, cute, irresistible, enticing, provocative, captivating, beguiling, alluring, bonny (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), winsome, comely (old-fashioned), prepossessing, hot (informal), fit (British, informal), lush (slang) Definition good-looking She was a comely woman with a mass of dark brown hair. Synonyms good-looking, pretty, fair, beautiful, attractive, lovely, handsome, blooming, cute, graceful, becoming, pleasing, wholesome, bonny (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), winsome, buxom, fit (British, informal) Definition consistent Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions. Synonyms consistent, in keeping, consonant, congenial, congruent, reconcilable, congruous, accordant, agreeable- beckon
- become
- become of something or someone
- becoming
- bed
- bed down
- bedaub
- become
- become of something or someone