Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense seats, present participle seating, past tense, past participle seated
1. countable noun
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair.
Stephen returned to his seat.
Ann could remember sitting in the back seat of their car.
Synonyms: chair, place, bench, stall More Synonyms of seat
2. countable noun
The seat of a chair is the part that you sit on.
The stool had a torn, red plastic seat.
3. verb
If you seatyourself somewhere, you sit down.
He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
...a portrait of one of his favourite models seated on an elegant sofa. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: sit, place, settle, set More Synonyms of seat
4. verb
A building or vehicle that seats a particular number of people has enough seats for that number.
The theatre seats 570. [VERB amount]
Synonyms: hold, take, accommodate, sit More Synonyms of seat
5. singular noun
Theseatof a piece of clothing is the part that covers your bottom.
Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans. [+ of]
6. countable noun
When someone is elected to a parliament, congress, or senate, you can say that they, or their party, have won a seat.
Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council.
...a Maryland Republican who lost his seat.
7. countable noun
If someone has a seat on the board of a company or on a committee, they are a member of it.
He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company. [+ on]
Synonyms: bottom [informal], behind [informal], rear, bum [British, slang] More Synonyms of seat
8. countable noun
The seat of an organization, a wealthy family, or an activity is its base.
Gunfire broke out early this morning around the seat of government. [+ of]
...Weston Park, family seat of the Earl of Bradford.
Synonyms: centre, place, site, heart More Synonyms of seat
9. See also deep-seated, hot seat
See to take a back seat
See take a seat
12. bums on seats
13. in the driving seat
14. by the seat of your pants
More Synonyms of seat
seat in British English
a piece of furniture designed for sitting on, such as a chair or sofa
the part of a chair, bench, etc, on which one sits
a place to sit, esp one that requires a ticket
I have two seats for the film tonight
the buttocks
the part of a garment covering the buttocks
the part or area serving as the base of an object
the part or surface on which the base of an object rests
the place or centre in which something is located
a seat of government
a place of abode, esp a country mansion that is or was originally the chief residence of a family
a membership or the right to membership in a legislative or similar body
11. mainly British
a parliamentary constituency
membership in a stock exchange
the manner in which a rider sits on a horse
14. by the seat of one's pants
15. on seat
16. (transitive)
to bring to or place on a seat; cause to sit down
17. (transitive)
to provide with seats
18. (tr; often passive)
to place or centre
the ministry is seated in the capital
19. (transitive)
to set firmly in place
20. (transitive)
to fix or install in a position of power
21. (transitive)
to put a seat on or in (an item of furniture, garment, etc)
22. (intransitive)
(of garments) to sag in the area covering the buttocks
your thin skirt has seated badly
Derived forms
seatless (ˈseatless)
Word origin
Old English gesete; related to Old Norse sæti, Old High German gasāzi, Middle Dutch gesaete
seat in American English
the manner of sitting, as on horseback
a place or space to sit, or the right to such a place, esp. as evidenced by a ticket
to buy two seats to the opera
a thing to sit on; chair, bench, stool, etc.
the buttocks
the part of a garment covering the buttocks
the part of a chair, bench, etc. that supports the buttocks
the right to sit as a member; position of a member; membership
a seat on the stock exchange
a part forming the base of something
a part or surface on which another part rests or fits snugly
the place where something is carried on, settled, established, etc.; center; location; site
the seat of government, a seat of learning
a part of the body in which some power, function, quality, etc. is or is thought to be centered
a home or residence; esp., a large house that is part of a country estate
verb transitive
to put or set in or on a seat
to lead to a seat or help to settle into a seat
to have seats for; accommodate with seats
a hall that seats 500
to put a seat in or on; patch or renew the seat of; reseat
to put, fix, or establish in a particular place, position of authority, etc.
be seated
by the seat of one's pants
Word origin
ME sete < ON sæti: for IE base see sit
seat in Automotive Engineering1
Word forms: (regular plural) seats
(Automotive engineering: Design and performance)
A seat is the support and attachment point for a load-carrying part in a vehicle, for example a spring seat.
An insulator is located between the lower spring seat and the bottom of the coil spring.
The seat for the front suspension coil springs must be secure otherwise steering would becomedangerous.
This galvanized spring seat takes all the weight of the suspension.
seat in Automotive Engineering2
Word forms: (regular plural) seats
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Bodywork, controls, and accessories)
A seat in a vehicle is the chair that the driver or passenger sits on.
COLLOCATIONS: passenger ~back ~driver's ~front ~
The front seat is on slides, with a reclining backrest.
He opened the car door and eased himself into the driver's seat.
To remove front seats, unbolt the seat rail from the floor of the car.
bench seat, bucket seat
More idioms containing
on the edge of your seat
in the catbird seat
a ringside seat
fly by the seat of your pants
in the driving seat
in the hot seat
take a back seat
COBUILD Collocations
available seat
cheap seat
comfortable seat
comfy seat
front seat
permanent seat
spare seat
vacant seat
Examples of 'seat' in a sentence
They complain at wasting money on good seats for an execution which has not taken place.
Stewart Lamont WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativityand Exploration (2002)
There were three times too many people for the number of seats to get out.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
We were being paid to sit in seats that normally the public occupy.
The Sun (2006)
The more modest ones have a light well that is also an outside seating area.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
She wants employees to have a seat on company boards for the first time.
The Sun (2016)
There were four empty crisp packets on the back seat.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Some passengers were still strapped into parts of their seats.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Ensure it is turned off or move the seat to another place in the car.
The Sun (2007)
Neither does it want a board seat.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
On neither flight did we get our reserved seats.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
These could include bigger seats or desks and parking spaces next to offices.
The Sun (2014)
The chair can seat two and is built to stand the test of time.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Why are the best seats left empty?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
He was really weak and when we came off stage he had to take a seat.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The seat numbers on them have gradually gotten less and less.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This could still change because votes in one Victoria seat were being recounted.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
There would be a good many empty seats in the House if that were the case.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
In other languages
British English: seat /siːt/ NOUN
for sitting on A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair.
...the back seat of their car.
American English: seat furniture
Arabic: مَقْعَد
Brazilian Portuguese: assento
Chinese: 座位
Croatian: sjedalo
Czech: židle
Danish: sæde
Dutch: stoel
European Spanish: asiento
Finnish: istuin
French: siège mobilier
German: Sitzgelegenheit
Greek: κάθισμα
Italian: sedia
Japanese: 座席 furniture
Korean: 의자
Norwegian: stol
Polish: krzesło mebel
European Portuguese: assento
Romanian: scaun
Russian: сиденье
Latin American Spanish: asiento
Swedish: säte möbel
Thai: เก้าอี้นั่ง
Turkish: sandalye
Ukrainian: сидіння
Vietnamese: ghế
British English: seat /siːt/ NOUN
in election When someone is elected to parliament, you can say that they or their party have won a seat.
Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council.
American English: seat constituency
Arabic: عُضْوِيَّةٌ في مَجْلِسٍ تَشْرِيعيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: eleitorado
Chinese: 席位
Croatian: mandat
Czech: křeslo poslanecké
Danish: sæde
Dutch: zetel politiek
European Spanish: distrito electoral
Finnish: edustajan paikka vaalipiirissä
French: siège élu
German: Sitz Amt
Greek: εκλογική έδρα
Italian: seggio
Japanese: 議席 constituency
Korean: 의석
Norwegian: sete
Polish: siedziba okręg wyborczy
European Portuguese: círculo eleitoral
Romanian: loc în parlament
Russian: избирательный округ
Latin American Spanish: distrito electoral
Swedish: säte belägenhet
Thai: ที่นั่งในรัฐสภา
Turkish: koltuk politika
Ukrainian: місце
Vietnamese: ghế bầu cử
British English: seat VERB
If you seat yourself somewhere, you sit down.
He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk.
American English: seat
Brazilian Portuguese: sentar(-se)
Chinese: 坐下使 自己
European Spanish: sentar
French: asseoir
German: sich setzen
Italian: far sedere
Japanese: 座る
Korean: 앉다
European Portuguese: sentar(-se)
Latin American Spanish: sentar
All related terms of 'seat'
on seat
(of officials) in the office rather than on tour or on leave
baby seat
a seat anchored to the body of the car, with straps to buckle across the baby
back seat
a seat at the back , esp of a vehicle
box seat
a seat in a theatre box
car seat
a seat in an automobile ; specif., a portable seat that fastens onto a car's built-in seat and is used for securing a small child
hot seat
a precarious , difficult , or dangerous position
jump seat
a folding seat for temporary use, as on the flight deck of some aircraft for an additional crew member
love seat
a small upholstered sofa for two people
safe seat
In politics , a safe seat is an area in which the candidate from one particular party nearly always wins by a large number of votes .
seat back
the part of a chair or seat that you rest your back against
seat belt
A seat belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or an aircraft . You fasten it across your body in order to prevent yourself being thrown out of the seat if there is a sudden movement .
aisle seat
a seat , esp on a plane , situated at the end of a row , adjacent to the aisle
banana seat
a narrow, tapered , elongated bicycle seat that curves upward at the rear
bench seat
a seat for more than one person
bucket seat
A bucket seat is a seat for one person in a car or an aeroplane which has rounded sides that partly enclose and support the body.
cheap seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
child seat
a type of child restraint consisting of a seat with safety features
comfy seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
county seat
A county seat is the same as a → county town .
death seat
the seat beside the driver of a vehicle
front seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
garden seat
a seat , usually kept permanently outdoors in a garden
mercy seat
the gold platform covering the Ark of the Covenant and regarded as the throne of God where he accepted sacrifices and gave commandments ( Exodus 25:17, 22)
rumble seat
a folding outside seat at the rear of some early cars ; dicky
saddle seat
a concave wooden seat, esp. of a Windsor chair , often with a central ridge running from the front toward the back
seat cover
a cover for a seat
spare seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
toilet seat
a detachable, ringlike seat of wood or plastic hinged to the top of a toilet bowl
vacant seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
valve seat
The valve seat is the ring-shaped surface with which a poppet valve closes .
window seat
A window seat is a seat which is fixed to the wall underneath a window in a room .
anxious seat
a bench near the preacher at revival meetings, for those with a troubled conscience who seek salvation
booster seat
A booster seat or a booster cushion is a special seat which allows a small child to sit in a higher position , for example at a table or in a car .
catbird seat
an enviable position , as of power
country seat
A country seat is a large house with land in the country which is owned by someone who also owns a house in a town.
driver's seat
In a vehicle such as a car or a bus , the driver's seat is the seat where the person who is driving sits.
driving seat
In a vehicle such as a car or a bus , the driving seat is the seat where the person who is driving the vehicle sits.
ejection seat
a seat , esp as fitted to military aircraft, that is fired by a cartridge or rocket to eject the occupant from the aircraft in an emergency
ejector seat
An ejector seat is a special seat which can throw the pilot out of a fast military aircraft in an emergency .
folding seat
a seat that can be folded down
lavatory seat
the part on a toilet or lavatory which can be moved up or down and which is used for sitting on
marginal seat
a seat in which elections tend to be won by small margins
sleeper seat
a seat, as on an airplane , that can be extended horizontally to permit sleeping
sliding seat
a seat that slides forwards and backwards with the oarsman , lengthening his or her stroke
available seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
passenger seat
→ the passenger seat
permanent seat
A seat is an object that you can sit on, for example a chair .
take a seat
If you take a seat , you sit down.
the hot seat
If you are in the hot seat , you are responsible for making important and difficult decisions .
tip-up seat
a seat that is able to be pulled down for sitting on and returns to an upright position when not in use
Chinese translation of 'seat'
(= chair) 椅子 (yǐzi) (把, bǎ)
(in car, theatre, cinema) 座 (zuò) (个(個), gè)
(= place) (in theatre, bus, train) 座位 (zuòwèi) (个(個), gè)