A seat belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or an aircraft. You fasten it across your body in order to prevent yourself being thrown out of the seat if there is a sudden movement.
The fact I was wearing a seat belt saved my life.
seat belt in American English
a device consisting of an anchored strap or straps that buckle across the hips to hold a seated passenger safely in place as during a collision
such a device combined with a shoulder harness, as in an automobile
Also written ˈseatˌbeltnoun
seat belt in Automotive Engineering
(sit bɛlt) or belt
Word forms: (regular plural) seat belts
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Bodywork, controls, and accessories)
A seat belt is a strap attached to a seat in a vehicle. You fasten it across your body in order to prevent yourself being thrown out ofthe seat if there is a sudden movement or stop.
She got into the car and fastened her seat belt.
The fact that he was wearing a seat belt saved his life.
A good safety rating means that a driver wearing a seat belt probably would suffer only minor injuries in a similar crash.
seat belt tensioner
Examples of 'seat belt' in a sentence
seat belt
The company had to withdraw the cars with seat belts and abandoned the whole idea.
Peter F. Drucker THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER (2001)
IT was once'freedom' to drive without a seat belt.