a kingdom in N Europe, between the Baltic and the North Sea: consists of the mainland of Jutland and about 100 inhabited islands (chiefly Zealand, Lolland, Funen, Falster, Langeland, and Bornholm); extended its territory throughout the Middle Ages, ruling Sweden until 1523 and Norway until 1814, and incorporating Greenland as a province from 1953 to 1979; joined the Common Market (now the EU) in 1973; animportant exporter of dairy produce. Language: Danish. Religion: Christian, Lutheran majority. Currency: krone. Capital: Copenhagen. Pop: 5 733 551 (2017 est). Area: 43 031 sq km (16 614 sq miles)
Danish name: Danmark ▶ Related adjective: Danish
Denmark in American English
country in Europe, occupying most of the peninsula of Jutland and several nearby islands in the North and Baltic seas: 16,631 sq mi (43,074 sq km); pop. 4,938,000; cap. Copenhagen