a country in southern Africa bordering on South Africa: annexed by Germany in 1884 and mandated by the League of Nations to South Africa in 1920. The mandate was terminated by the UN in 1966 but this was ignored by South Africa, as was the 1971 ruling by the International Court of Justice that the territory be surrendered. Independence was achieved in 1990 and Namibia became a member of the Commonwealth; Walvis Bay remained a South African enclave until 1994, when it was returned to Namibia. Official language: English; Afrikaans and German also spoken. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: dollar. Capital: Windhoek. Pop: 2 533 794 (2017 est). Area: 823 328 sq km (317 887 sq miles)
Also called: South-West Africa. Former name (1885–1919): German South-West Africa
Namibia in American English
country in S Africa, on the Atlantic: a former mandate of South Africa, it was administered by South Africa until full independence in 1990; member of the Commonwealth: 318,251sq mi (824,268 sq km); pop. 1,402,000; cap. Windhoek