An apricot is a small, soft, round fruit with yellowish-orange flesh and a stone inside.
...12 oz apricots, halved and stoned.
...apricot tart.
2. colour
Apricot is used to describe things that are yellowish-orange in colour.
The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.
The heavy curtains were a warm apricot.
apricot in British English
a rosaceous tree, Prunus armeniaca, native to Africa and W Asia, but widely cultivated for its edible fruit
the downy yellow juicy edible fruit of this tree, which resembles a small peach
Word origin
C16: earlier apricock, from Portuguese (albricoque) or Spanish, from Arabic al-birqūq the apricot, from Late Greek praikokion, from Latin praecox early-ripening; see precocious
apricot in American English
(ˈæprɪˌkɑt; ˈeɪprɪˌkɑt)
a small, yellowish-orange fruit that is closely related to the peach and plum
any of various prunus trees bearing this fruit
a yellowish-orange color
Word origin
Fr abricot < Port albricoque < Ar al-birqūq < LGr praikokion < L praecoquum, early matured (fruit) < prae-, beforehand + coquere, ripen, cook