a device that measures the speed of sound in liquids
velocimeter in American English
(ˌvilouˈsɪmətər, ˌvelou-)
any of various instruments for measuring velocity, as of a wave in water or of sound in air
Word origin
[1842; veloci(ty) + -meter]-meter is a combining form meaning “measure,” used in the names of instruments measuringquantity, extent, degree, etc. Other words that use the affix -meter include: micrometer, nephelometer, spectrometer, thermometer, variometer
Examples of 'velocimeter' in a sentence
Three-dimensional velocity measurements were taken using a laser velocimeter for both the pump mid- and exit planes.
Ronald D. Flack, Steven B. Ainley, Klaus Brun, Leonard Whitehead 2000, 'Laser Velocimeter Measurements in the Pump of an Automotive Torque Converter PartII – Effect of Pump Speed and Oil Viscosity', International Journal of Rotating Machineryhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/S1023621X00000178. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)