the use of statistics to describe a set of known data in a clear and concise manner, as in terms of its mean and variance, or diagrammatically, as by a histogram
Compare statistical inference
Examples of 'descriptive statistics' in a sentence
descriptive statistics
Data analysis used descriptive statistics.
Crisiane Venson, Cristina Ide Fujinaga, Gilsane Raquel Czluniak 2010, 'Estimulação da sucção não nutritiva na "mama vazia" em bebês prematuros: relato decasos Non-nutritive sucking stimulation on the "emptied breast" in preterm infants:case report', Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Descriptive statistics was carried out.
Leni Verônica de Oliveira SILVA, José Alcides Almeida ARRUDA, Stephanie Joana MARTELLI,Camila de Nazaré Alves de Oliveira KATO, Laiz Fernanda Mendes NUNES, Ana CarolinaUchoa VASCONCELOS, Sandra Beatriz Chaves TARQUINIO, Ana Paula Neutzling GOMES, RicardoSantiago GOMEZ, Ricardo Alves MESQUITA, Marcia Maria Fonseca da SILVEIRA, Ana PaulaVeras SOBRAL 2018, 'A multicenter study of biopsied oral and maxillofacial lesions in a Brazilian pediatricpopulation', Brazilian Oral Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (