TheNazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler, which held power in Germany from 1933 to 1945.
2. adjective
You use Nazi to say that something relates to the Nazis.
...the rise of the Nazi Party.
...the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands.
Nazi in British English
nounWord forms: pluralNazis
a member of the fascist National Socialist German Workers' Party, which was founded in 1919 and seized political control in Germany in 1933 under Adolf Hitler
2. derogatory
anyone who thinks or acts like a Nazi, esp showing racism, brutality, etc
of, characteristic of, or relating to the Nazis
Derived forms
Nazism (ˈnɑːtˌsɪzəm) or Naziism (ˈnɑːtsɪˌɪzəm)
Word origin
C20: from German, phonetic spelling of the first two syllables of Nationalsozialist National Socialist
Nazi in American English
(ˈnɑtsi; ˈnætsi)
designating, of, or characteristic of the German fascist political party (National Socialist German Workers' Party), founded in 1919 and abolished in 1945: under Hitler it seized control of Germany in 1933, systematically eliminated opposition, and initiated a program of nationalism, rearmament, political aggression, and racism, esp. anti-Semitism
a member of this party
3. [oftenn-]
a supporter of this or any similar party; fascist
someone who thinks or acts like a Nazi
Derived forms
Nazism (ˈNaˌzism) (ˈnɑtˌsɪzəm; ˈnætˌsɪzəm)
noun or ˈNaziˌism (ˈnɑtsiˌɪzəm; ˈnætsiˌɪzəm)
Word origin
Ger < Nati(onalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), party name