the formation of clumps of particles in a suspension
5. biochemistry
proteinaceous particles, such as blood cells and bacteria, that form clumps in antibody–antigen reactions
6. immunology
the formation of a mass of particles, such as erythrocytes, by the action of antibodies
7. linguistics
the building up of words from component morphemes in such a way that these undergo little or no change of form or meaning in the process of combination
agglutination in American English
an agglutinating or being agglutinated
a mass of agglutinated parts
3. Linguistics
in some languages, the systematic combining of morphemes into words without marked change of form or loss of meaning
see also fusion (sense 5) fusion (sense 5a)
4. Medicine and Bacteriology
the clumping together of microorganisms, blood cells, etc. suspended in fluid