the sum of the physical, chemical, and biological changes that take place in sediments as they become consolidated into rocks, including compaction and cementation, but excluding weathering and metamorphic changes
2. chemistry
recrystallization of a solid to form large crystal grains from smaller ones
Derived forms
diagenetic (ˌdaɪədʒəˈnɛtɪk)
diagenesis in American English
the physical, chemical, and biological changes in sediment from the time it is deposited until it is consolidated into sedimentary rock
Word origin
ModL: see dia- & -genesis
diagenesis in the Oil and Gas Industry
(Extractive engineering: Petroleum geology)
Diagenesis is the physical, chemical, or biological alteration of sediments into sedimentary rock at relatively low temperatures and pressures that can result in changes to the rock's mineralogy and texture.
Diagenesis is the process by which sediments evolve after they are deposited and begin to beburied, which can include physical effects such as compaction, as well as chemicalreactions.
Diagenesis refers to all of the chemical, physical, and biological changes undergone by sedimentafter initial deposition.
Diagenesis is the physical, chemical, or biological alteration of sediments into sedimentaryrock at low temperatures and pressures that can cause changes to the rock's mineralogyand texture.