a large fishing net that hangs vertically in the water by means of floats at the top and weights at the bottom
to catch (fish) using this net
Word origin
Old English segne, from Latin sagēna, from Greek sagēnē; related to Old High German segina, Old French saïne
Seine in British English
(seɪn, French sɛn)
a river in N France, rising on the Plateau de Langres and flowing northwest through Paris to the English Channel: the second longest river in France, linked by canal with the Rivers Somme, Scheldt, Meuse, Rhine, Saône, and Loire. Length: 776 km (482 miles)
Seine in American English
(seɪn; French sɛn)
river in N France, flowing northwest through Paris into the English Channel: 482mi (776 km)
seine in American English
a large fishing net with floats along the top edge and weights along the bottom
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: seined or ˈseining
to fish with a seine
Derived forms
seiner (ˈseiner)
Word origin
ME seyne < OE segne < early WGmc borrowing < L sagena < Gr sagēnē < IE base *twak-, to enclose tightly
Examples of 'seine' in a sentence
Rollo proffered his jackknife, but Conrad ignored him, finally freeing the woman from the clutches of the seine.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
They searched for his body, handlining with grappling hooks, setting gill nets straight offshore and hauling seine.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
'Rollo, you want to go get that other seine from the barn?
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
All related terms of 'seine'
purse seine
a large net towed , usually by two boats , that encloses a school of fish and is then closed at the bottom by means of a line resembling the string formerly used to draw shut the neck of a money pouch or purse
a department of N France , in Normandie region. Capital: Rouen . Pop: 1 237 263 (2003 est). Area: 6342 sq km (2473 sq miles)
a department of N central France , in Île-de-France region just west of Paris : formed in 1964. Capital: Nanterre . Pop: 1 470 706 (2003 est). Area: 175 sq km (68 sq miles)
a department of N central France , in Île-de-France region . Capital: Melun. Pop: 1 232 467 (2003 est). Area: 5931 sq km (2313 sq miles)
a suburb of Paris , France, on the Seine . Pop: 82 720 (2006)
an industrial suburb of SW Paris . Pop: 106 367 (1999)
a town in N France , on the Seine : a suburb of NW Paris . Pop: 61 754 (2010)
a department of N central France , in Île-de-France region . Capital: Bobigny. Pop: 1 396 122 (2003 est). Area: 236 sq km (92 sq miles)
city in N France : suburb of Paris : pop. 82,000
an industrial suburb of SW Paris . Pop: 106 367 (1999)