Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense neglects, present participle neglecting, past tense, past participle neglected
1. verb
If you neglect someone or something, you fail to look after them properly.
The woman denied that she had neglected her child. [VERB noun]
Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer. [VERB noun]
...an ancient and neglected church. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: disregard, ignore, leave alone, turn your back on More Synonyms of neglect
Neglect is also a noun.
The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.
Niwano's business began to suffer from neglect.
2. verb
If you neglect someone or something, you fail to give them the amount of attention that they deserve.
He'd given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her. [VERB noun]
If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: shirk, forget, overlook, omit More Synonyms of neglect
neglectedadjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE, ADJECTIVE noun, ADJECTIVE after verb]
The fact that she is not coming today makes her grandmother feel lonely and neglected.
... a neglected aspect of London's forgotten history.
The journal she had begun lay neglected on her bedside table.
Synonyms: run down, derelict, overgrown, uncared-for More Synonyms of neglect
Synonyms: uncared-for, abandoned, underestimated, disregarded More Synonyms of neglect
3. verb
If you neglectto do something that you ought to do or neglect your duty, you fail to do it.
We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies. [VERB to-infinitive]
They never neglect their duties. [VERB noun]
4. benign neglect
More Synonyms of neglect
neglect in British English
to fail to give due care, attention, or time to
to neglect a child
to fail (to do something) through thoughtlessness or carelessness
he neglected to tell her
to ignore or disregard
she neglected his frantic signals
lack of due care or attention; negligence
the child starved through neglect
the act or an instance of neglecting or the state of being neglected
Derived forms
neglecter (neˈglecter) or neglector (neˈglector)
Word origin
C16: from Latin neglegere to neglect, from nec not + legere to select
neglect in American English
verb transitive
to ignore or disregard
to neglect the advice of others
to fail to care for or attend to sufficiently or properly; slight
to neglect one's family
to fail to carry out (an expected or required action) through carelessness or by intention; leave undone
the action of neglecting
lack of sufficient or proper care; negligence; disregard
the state of being neglected
SYNONYMY NOTE: neglect implies a failure to carry out some expected or required action, either through carelessnessor by intention [I neglected to wind the clock]; omit, in this connection, implies a neglecting through oversight, absorption, etc. [she should not omit to visit the museum]; overlook suggests a failure to see or to take action, either inadvertently or indulgently[I'll overlook your error this time]; disregard implies inattention or neglect, usually intentional [she always disregards his wishes]; ignore suggests a deliberate disregarding, sometimes through stubborn refusal to face thefacts [but you ignore the necessity for action]; slight implies a disregarding or neglecting in an indifferent or disdainful way [he seems to slight the newer writers]; forget, in this connection, implies an intentional disregarding or omitting [after his election he forgot the wishes of the voters]
Derived forms
neglecter (neˈglecter)
noun or neˈglector
Word origin
< L neglectus, pp. of negligere, neglegere, not to heed, be regardless of < neg- (see negation) + legere, to gather (see logic)
Examples of 'neglect' in a sentence
Although given as a hypothetical situation, if such an incident were to happen, not to search the individual would be a neglect of duty.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Yet it has been both practiced and neglected by churches in our day.
Christianity Today (2000)
Three detectives were accused of neglect of duty.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
It is sad that most of these works were neglected after his death.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The hope is that this will give the somewhat neglected museum a boost.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Those most in need of care may feel neglected.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
For a politician or official not to listen to such representation is to neglect their duty dangerously.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The car rental service had neglected to give us a spare.
Kiam, Victor Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur (1986)
The town was barely damaged during the operation but a number of buildings have suffered from neglect.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
This report is one in a long line showing how essential aspects of care are being neglected.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Failing to ensure this will be seen as an act of neglect and should not be allowed to go unanswered.
The Sun (2009)
The physical aspect is not neglected - all patients receive an extensive physical examination.
Wilkinson, Helena Beyond Chaotic Eating (1993)
They knew and flaunted their legal right to offend; they neglected their moral duty not to.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
In other languages
British English: neglect /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ NOUN
Neglect is the failure to look after someone or something properly.
The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.
American English: neglect
Arabic: إِهْمَالٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: negligência
Chinese: 忽视
Croatian: zanemarivanje
Czech: zanedbávání
Danish: forsømmelse
Dutch: verwaarlozing
European Spanish: negligencia
Finnish: laiminlyönti
French: négligence
German: Vernachlässigung
Greek: αμέλεια
Italian: trascuratezza
Japanese: 怠慢
Korean: 방치
Norwegian: forsømmelse
Polish: zaniedbanie
European Portuguese: negligência
Romanian: neglijență
Russian: пренебрежение
Latin American Spanish: negligencia
Swedish: försummelse
Thai: การละเลย
Turkish: ihmal
Ukrainian: занедбаність
Vietnamese: sự sao lãng
British English: neglect /nɪˈɡlɛkt/ VERB
If you neglect someone or something, you fail to look after them properly.
The woman denied that she had neglected her child.
American English: neglect
Arabic: يُهْمِلُ
Brazilian Portuguese: negligenciar
Chinese: 忽视
Croatian: zanemariti
Czech: zanedbat
Danish: forsømme
Dutch: verwaarlozen
European Spanish: descuidar
Finnish: lyödä laimin
French: négliger
German: vernachlässigen
Greek: παραμελώ
Italian: trascurare
Japanese: おろそかにする
Korean: 방치하다
Norwegian: forsømme
Polish: zaniedbać
European Portuguese: negligenciar
Romanian: a neglija
Russian: пренебрегать
Latin American Spanish: descuidar
Swedish: försumma
Thai: ทอดทิ้ง
Turkish: ihmal etmek
Ukrainian: занедбатиperf
Vietnamese: sao lãng
Chinese translation of 'neglect'
(= not care for)[child, area, house, garden]忽略 (hūlüè)