释义 |
English translation of '代表' 名 -
representative ⇒ 谈判代表 (tánpàn dàibiǎo) the delegate to the negotiations
动 - (= 代替)
stand in for (pt, pp stood) ⇒ 副主任代表主任主持会议。 (Fùzhǔrèn dàibiǎo zhǔrèn zhǔchí huìyì.) The deputy director stood in for the director as chair of the meeting.
- (= 委托)
represent ⇒ 他全权代表我们公司。 (Tā quánquán dàibiǎo wǒmen gōngsī.) He has full authority to represent our company.
- (指意义、概念)
be representative of ⇒ 他的诗代表了时代精神。 (Tā de shī dàibiǎole shídài jīngshen.) His poem is representative of the spirit of the age.
形 -
archetypal ⇒ 达芬奇是文艺复兴时期的代表人物。 (Dáfēnqí shì wényì fùxīng shíqī de dàibiǎo rénwù.) Da Vinci was an archetypal Renaissance figure.