A diocese is the area over which a bishop has control.
Synonyms: bishopric, see More Synonyms of diocese
diocese in British English
the district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
Word origin
C14: from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Greek dioikēsis administration, from dioikein to manage a household, from oikos house
diocese in American English
(ˈdaɪəsɪs; ˈdaɪəˌsiz)
the district under a bishop's jurisdiction
Word origin
ME & OFr diocise < L diocesis, district, government (in LL(Ec), diocese) < Gr dioikēsis, administration < dioikein, to keep house < dia-, through + oikos, a house: see eco-
Examples of 'diocese' in a sentence
Moscow has refused to confirm him as bishop of the diocese.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Neither the diocese nor the church maintained employment records.
Christianity Today (2000)
Focusing on the cathedral as the mother church in the diocese is misleading.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
And why was he dispatched in the most important church in the diocese?
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The Australian diocese says that almost all of the files from the school are missing.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
She has given half a lifetime to her local dioceses and been a staunch support for women hoping to join her in the ministry.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
A Catholic diocese is organized very differently from an opera.
Peter F. Drucker THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER (2001)
the district over which a bishop has control
parishioners of the bishop's diocese
Do you think I should resign from the bishopric?
Additional synonyms
in the sense of see
the diocese of a bishop or the place within it where his cathedral is situated