a semiconductor device containing one p-n junction, used in circuits for converting alternating current to direct current
More formal name: semiconductor diode
the earliest and simplest type of electronic valve having two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, between which a current can flow only in one direction. It was formerly widely used as a rectifier and detector but has now been replaced in most electrical circuits by the more efficient and reliable semiconductor diode
Word origin
C20: from di-1 + -ode2
diode in American English
an electronic device with two electrodes, as either an electron tube with an anode and a cathode or a transistor with a pn junction, used mainly as a rectifier since it conducts current in only one direction
Word origin
di-1 + -ode1
diode in Electrical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) diodes
(Electrical engineering: Electronics components)
A diode is a semiconductor device used in circuits for converting alternating current todirect current
A diode is a two-wire device that allows current to flow easily in only one direction.
The diodes are arranged to rectify the AC power from the line filter and to provide DC poweracross filter capacitor.
A diode is a semiconductor device used in circuits for converting alternating current todirect current
Examples of 'diode' in a sentence
Some flaw in the system, some diode burning out resulted in the death of billions and the end of life as we knew it.
S. M. Stirling T2®: THE FUTURE WAR (2003)
All related terms of 'diode'
Esaki diode
an extremely stable semiconductor diode , having a very narrow highly doped p-n junction , in which electrons travel across the junction by means of the tunnel effect
Zener diode
a semiconductor diode that exhibits a sharp increase in reverse current at a well-defined reverse voltage : used as a voltage regulator
tunnel diode
an extremely stable semiconductor diode , having a very narrow highly doped p-n junction , in which electrons travel across the junction by means of the tunnel effect
semiconductor diode
a semiconductor device containing one p-n junction , used in circuits for converting alternating current to direct current
light-emitting diode
a diode of semiconductor material, such as gallium arsenide , that emits light when a forward bias is applied, the colour depending on the semiconductor material: used as off/on indicators
organic light-emitting diode
a cell that emits light when voltage is applied: used as a display device replacing LCD technology in handheld devices such as mobile phones because it is brighter , thinner , faster,and cheaper