a colourless or pale-green pyroxene mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form: used as a gemstone. Formula: CaMgSi2O6
Word origin
C19: from di-2 + Greek opsis sight, appearance + -ide
diopside in American English
(daɪˈɑpˌsaɪd; daɪˈɑpsɪd)
a light-colored, hard, crystalline pyroxene, CaMg(Si2O6), calcium magnesium silicate, found in some limestones and metamorphic rocks and sometimes used as a gem
Word origin
Fr < di- (see di-2) + Gr opsis, appearance, sight (< ōps, eye); assoc. in meaning with Gr diopsis, transparency < dia-, through + opsis, sight