A directory is a book which gives lists of facts, for example people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or the names and addresses of business companies, usually arranged in alphabetical order.
...a telephone directory.
Synonyms: index, listing, list, record More Synonyms of directory
2. countable noun
A directory is an area of a computer disk which contains one or more files or other directories.
This option lets you create new files or directories.
3. countable noun
On the internet, a directory is a list of the subjects that you can find information on.
Yahoo is the oldest internet directory service.
directory in British English
(dɪˈrɛktərɪ, -trɪ, daɪ-)
nounWord forms: plural-ries
a book, arranged alphabetically or classified by trade listing names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc, of individuals or firms
a book or manual giving directions
a book containing the rules to be observed in the forms of worship used in churches
4. a less common word for directorate (sense 2)
5. computing
an area of a disk that contains the names and locations of files currently held on that disk
Directory in British English
(dɪˈrɛktərɪ, -trɪ, daɪ-)
the Directory
the body of five directors in power in France from 1795 until their overthrow by Napoleon in 1799
Also known as: the French Directory
directory in American English
(dəˈrɛktəri; also daɪˈrɛktəri)
directing, guiding, or advising
nounWord forms: pluraldiˈrectories
a book of directions, as for church service
a book listing the names, addresses, etc. of a specific group of persons
a telephone directory
4. Computing
a grouping of files that are stored on a disk, diskette, etc.
a listing of such files
a directorate
6. [D-]
Word origin
LL directorius
Examples of 'directory' in a sentence
I go into the hallway and flick through the telephone directory.
Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
She found she was outside Alders and turned in through the glass doors and looked on the store directory for the cafeteria.
Her agent's name was in the directory where I'd found the name.
Barnard, Robert DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE (2002)
He flew to East St Louis and from a pay phone got ready to call the thirty-three Trumans in the directory.
José Latour HAVANA BEST FRIENDS (2002)
In other languages
British English: directory /dɪˈrɛktərɪ; -trɪ; daɪ-/ NOUN
A directory is a book which gives lists of information such as people's names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
...a telephone directory.
American English: directory
Arabic: دَليلُ الهَاتِف
Brazilian Portuguese: diretório
Chinese: 电话簿
Croatian: direktorij
Czech: adresář
Danish: telefonbog
Dutch: telefoonboek
European Spanish: guía telefónica
Finnish: puhelinluettelo
French: annuaire
German: Verzeichnis
Greek: κατάλογος
Italian: elenco telefonico
Japanese: 住所氏名録
Korean: 전화번호부
Norwegian: katalog
Polish: katalog
European Portuguese: diretório
Romanian: carte de telefon
Russian: справочник
Latin American Spanish: directorio telefónico
Swedish: adressförteckning
Thai: สมุดรายชื่อ
Turkish: rehber telefon
Ukrainian: довідник
Vietnamese: cuốn danh bạ
All related terms of 'directory'
If a person or their phone number is ex-directory , the number is not listed in the telephone directory, and the phone company will not give it to people who ask for it.
web directory
a database of selected websites , ordered in such a way as to facilitate browsing
data directory
an index of data held in a database and used to assist in the access to data
French Directory
the body of five directors in power in France from 1795 until their overthrow by Napoleon in 1799
street directory
a directory containing an alphabetical list of streets along with other information such as the names and addresses of householders and tradespeople
directory assistance
a telephone company service that furnishes telephone directory information over the telephone
directory enquiries
Directory enquiries is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number.
directory inquiries
a telephone service that will inform a caller of the telephone number of a person that they wish to contact
telephone directory
A telephone directory is the same as a → telephone book .
telephone book
The telephone book is a book that contains an alphabetical list of the names , addresses , and telephone numbers of the people in a particular area.