Arabian means belonging or relating to Arabia, especially to Saudi Arabia.
...the Arabian Peninsula.
... an Arabian stallion.
Arabian in British English
of or relating to Arabia or its inhabitants
2. another word for Arab (sense 2)
Arabian in American English
of Arabia or the Arabs
Arab1 (sense 1) Arab1 (sense 4)
Word lists with
desert, Seas
All related terms of 'Arabian'
Arabian Sea
the NW part of the Indian Ocean , between Arabia and India
Arabian camel
a domesticated camel , Camelus dromedarius, having one hump on its back and used as a beast of burden in the hot deserts of N Africa and SW Asia
Arabian Gulf
→ the Arabian Gulf
Arabian senna
a tropical leguminous plant, Cassia angustifolia , having yellow flowers and long pods
South Arabian
of or relating to the former South Arabia ( now South Yemen ) or its inhabitants
Arabian coffee
a tall , widely cultivated shrub ( Coffea arabica ) of the madder family, yielding coffee beans that are the world's chief source of commercially produced coffee: native to Africa but now present throughout the tropics , esp. in Brazil
Arabian Desert
a desert in E Egypt , between the Nile , the Gulf of Suez , and the Red Sea: mountainous parts rise over 1800 m (6000 ft). Area: about 220 000 sq km (85 000 sq miles)
Arabian Nights
The a collection of ancient tales from Arabia , India , Persia , etc.
the Arabian Gulf
the arm of the Arabian Sea between SW Iran and Arabia ; important for the oilfields on its shores
the Arabian Nights
a collection of oriental folk tales dating from the tenth century
Saudi or Saudi Arabian means belonging or relating to Saudi Arabia or to its people, language, or culture .
Arabian Nights' Entertainments
→ The Arabian Nights' Entertainments
a great peninsula of SW Asia, between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf : consists chiefly of a desert plateau , with mountains rising over 3000 m (10 000 ft) in the west and scattered oases ; includes the present-day countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen , Oman , Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait , and the United Arab Emirates . Area: about 2 600 000 sq km (1 000 000 sq miles)
The Arabian Nights' Entertainments
a collection of oriental folk tales dating from the tenth century