单词 | tittle tattle |
释义 | Additional synonymsin the sense of prattle Definition foolish or childish talk I had had enough of his mindless prattle. Synonyms chatter, talk, babble, waffle (informal), rambling, wittering (informal), prating, drivel, jabber, gabble, blather, blether (Scottish) in the sense of prattle Definition to chatter in a foolish or childish way She prattled on until I wanted to scream. Synonyms chatter, babble, waffle (informal, British), run on, rabbit on (British, informal), witter on (informal), patter, drivel, clack, twitter, jabber, gabble, rattle on, blather, blether, run off at the mouth (slang), earbash (Australian, New Zealand, slang) in the sense of rumour Definition gossip or common talk There's a strange rumour going around. Synonyms story, news, report, talk, word, whisper (informal), buzz, gossip, dirt (slang), goss (informal), hearsay, canard, tidings, scuttlebutt (US, slang), bush telegraph, bruit (archaic) in the sense of twaddle Definition silly, trivial, or pretentious talk or writing He was baffled by the intellectual twaddle. Synonyms nonsense, rubbish, rot (informal), garbage (informal), balls (taboo, slang), bull (slang), shit (taboo, slang), pants (slang), gossip, crap (slang), trash, chatter, bullshit (taboo, slang), hot air (informal), tosh (slang, British), waffle (informal, British), pap, cobblers (British, taboo, slang), bilge (informal), drivel, tripe (informal), guff (slang), tattle, moonshine, verbiage, gabble, claptrap (informal), gobbledegook (informal), hogwash, hokum (slang, US, Canadian), rigmarole, blather, piffle (informal), poppycock (informal), inanity, balderdash, bosh (informal), eyewash (informal), trumpery, tommyrot, foolish talk, horsefeathers (US, slang), bunkum or buncombe, bizzo (Australian, slang), bull's wool (Australian, New Zealand, slang) in the sense of witter Definition to chatter or babble pointlessly or at unnecessary length She witters on about unimportant things. Synonyms chatter, chat, rabbit (on) (British, informal), babble, waffle (informal, British), cackle, twaddle, clack, burble, gab (informal), prattle, tattle, jabber, blab, gabble, blather, blether, prate, earbash (Australian, New Zealand, slang) in the sense of yak Definition to talk continuously about unimportant matters They had a chance to yak during the break. Synonyms gossip, go on, gab (informal), rabbit (on) (British, informal), run on, jaw (slang), chatter, spout (informal), waffle (informal, British), yap (informal), tattle, jabber, blather, chew the fat (slang), witter on (informal), run off at the mouth Synonyms of 'tittle-tattle'tittle-tattleExplore 'tittle-tattle' in the dictionary (noun) Definition idle chat or gossip tittle-tattle about the private lives of celebrities Synonyms gossip There has been a lot of gossip about the reasons for his absence. a magazine packed with celebrity gossip rumour There's a strange rumour going around. dirt (slang) Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on their opponents. goss (informal, slang) hearsay Much of what was reported to them was hearsay. jaw (slang) chatter She kept up a steady stream of chatter the whole time. babble He couldn't make himself heard above the babble. cackle twaddle He was baffled by the intellectual twaddle. prattle I had had enough of his mindless prattle. natter We must get together some time for a good natter. blather Anyone knows that this is all blather. chitchat blether (Scottish) idle chat yackety-yak (slang) yatter (informal) clishmaclaver (Scottish) (verb) Definition to chatter or gossip Synonyms gossip We gossiped well into the night. chat I was just chatting to him the other day. jaw (slang) jawing for half an hour with the very affable waiter chatter Everyone was chattering away in different languages. babble They all babbled simultaneously. witter (informal) She witters on about unimportant things. cackle yak (slang) They had a chance to yak during the break. prattle She prattled on until I wanted to scream. natter The pair would natter on the phone for hours. blather He kept on blathering about incompetence. chitchat blether run off at the mouth (slang) yatter (informal) Additional synonymsin the sense of babble Definition muddled or foolish speech He couldn't make himself heard above the babble. Synonyms gabble, chatter, burble, prattle, blabberin the sense of babble Definition to talk in a quick, foolish, or muddled way They all babbled simultaneously. Synonyms gabble, chatter, gush, spout, waffle (informal, British), splutter, gaggle, burble, prattle, gibber, rabbit on (British, informal), jabber, prate, earbash (Australian, New Zealand, slang) in the sense of blather Anyone knows that this is all blather. Synonyms nonsense, gossip, chatter, hot air, malarkey (informal), waffle (informal, British), pap, bilge (informal), drivel, twaddle, gibberish, guff (slang), tattle, moonshine, jabbering, jabber, verbiage, gabble, claptrap (informal), gobbledegook, hogwash (informal), bizzo (Australian, slang), bull's wool (Australian, New Zealand, slang), hokum (slang, US, Canadian), piffle (informal), poppycock (informal), inanity, blether (Scottish), bunkum or buncombe Nearby words of |
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