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English translation of '会'



  1. (= 聚合) assemble
    ⇒ 会诊 (huìzhěn) have a consultation
  2. (= 见面) meet (pt, pp met)
    ⇒ 会客 (huìkè) receive a guest
  3. (= 理解) understand (pt, pp understood)
    ⇒ 领会 (lǐnghuì) understand
  4. (= 通晓) be able to
    ⇒ 会武术 (huì wǔshù) be able to do martial arts


  1. (= 能做) can
    ⇒ 我不会下象棋。 (Wǒ bùhuì xià xiàngqí.) I can't play chess.
  2. (= 擅长)
    ⇒ 会过日子 (huì guò rìzi) know how to economize
    ⇒ 能说会道 (néng shuō huì dào) be eloquent
  3. (= 可能) might
    ⇒ 明天会更热。 (Míngtiān huì gèng rè.) Tomorrow might be hotter.

  1. (= 集会) gathering
    ⇒ 茶话会 (cháhuàhuì) tea party
  2. (= 团体) association
    ⇒ 学生会 (xuéshēnghuì) student union
  3. (= 城市) city
    ⇒ 大都会 (dàdūhuì) metropolis
  4. (= 时机) opportunity
    ⇒ 机会 (jīhuì) opportunity
  5. (= 庙会) fair
see also 会(會) (kuài)
Both 会 (huì) and 要 (yào) can be used to express the future tense. 会 (huì) is usually used to express a possible or probable outcome, e.g. 明天会下雨 (míngtiān huì xiàyǔ) (it might rain tomorrow); 要 (yào) refers to something definite, e.g. 我明天要上班 (wǒ míngtiān yào shàngbān) (I am going to work tomorrow). 会 (huì), 能 (néng), and 可以 (kěyǐ) can all be used to express ability and are sometimes used interchangeably. Strictly,会 (huì) should express a learned ability, e.g. 我会说法语 (wǒ huì shuō Fǎyǔ) (I can speak French), while 能 (néng) should be used to express physical ability, e.g. 我能跑得很快 (wǒ néng pǎo de hěn kuài) (I can run very fast).



  1. accounting
    ⇒ 财会 (cáikuài) finance and accounting

see also

会(會) (huì)

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Related terms of

  • 会合
  • 会同
  • 会员
  • 会商
  • 会客




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