释义 |
View usage for: (nɪk) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense nicks, present participle nicking, past tense, past participle nicked1. verbIf someone nicks something, they steal it. [British, informal] He smashed a window to get in and nicked a load of silver cups. [VERB noun] We used to nick biscuits from the kitchen. [VERB noun] Synonyms: steal, pinch [informal], swipe [slang], pilfer More Synonyms of nick 2. verbIf the police nick someone, they arrest them. [British, informal] The police nicked me for carrying an offensive weapon. [VERB noun] Keep quiet or we'll all get nicked. [get/be V-ed] Synonyms: arrest, apprehend, take into custody, nail [informal] More Synonyms of nick 3. countable noun [usually singular, usually the NOUN]The nick is a prison, or a police station. [British, informal] 4. verbIf you nick something or nick yourself, you accidentally make a small cut in the surface of the object or yourskin. When I pulled out of the space, I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me. [VERB noun] A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood. [VERB noun] He dropped a bottle in the kitchen and nicked himself on broken glass. [VERB pronoun-reflexive] Synonyms: cut, mark, score, damage More Synonyms of nick 5. countable nounA nick is a small cut made in the surface of something, usually in someone's skin. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye. Synonyms: cut, mark, scratch, score More Synonyms of nick 6. verbIf you are nicked by someone, they cheat you, for example by charging you too much money. [US, informal] College students already are being nicked, but probably don't realize it. [be VERB-ed] 7. See in good nick/in bad nick 8. See in the nick of time More Synonyms of nick nick in British English 1 (nɪk) noun1. a small notch or indentation on an edge or surface 2. a groove on the shank of a printing type, used to orientate type and often to distinguish the fount 3. British a slang word for prison, police station 4. in good nick 5. in the nick of time verb6. (transitive) to chip or cut 7. (transitive) slang, mainly Britishb. to take into legal custody; arrest 8. (intransitive; often foll by off) informal to move or depart rapidly 9. to divide and reset (certain of the tail muscles of a horse) to give the tail a high carriage 10. (transitive) to guess, catch, etc, exactly 11. (intransitive) (of breeding stock) to mate satisfactorily 12. nick someone for Word origin C15: perhaps changed from C14 nocke nocknick in British English 2 (nɪk) noun computing an alias adopted by a member of a chatroom or forum; nickname Word origin short for nickname (nɪk) noun a masculine name see also Nicholas1 (nɪk) noun1. a small notch or slit; esp., a small cut, indentation or chip made on the edge or surface of wood, metal,china, etc. 2. a notch in the lower side of the shank of a printing type, for identification 3. British, Slang prison; jail 4. British, Slang condition; state a used car in good nick verb transitive5. to make a nick or nicks in 6. Rare to score or tally by means of notches 7. a. to wound superficially b. to strike lightly and glancingly 8. to strike or catch at the exact or proper time; hit, guess, grasp, etc. exactly 9. Slangb. to overcharge or cheat Idioms: in the nick of time Word origin LME nyke, prob. akin to nocke, notch More idioms containingnick in the nick of time Examples of 'nick' in a sentencenick You keep a car in good nick with regular servicing.For more fun and games go to nick.She did, and in the nick of time.I reached him in the nick of time with a kitchen towel.I just nicked her passport and sent it off.But often, if there was crowd violence, the police would nick people completely at random.A MUM arrived at hospital in the nick of time to give birth after getting a lift from police.We are in good nick at the moment.What is certain is that this rhetorical transformation has come just in the nick of time.All he wanted to do was nick them and get them off the street.You can get a longer sentence for nicking a car.The police will tiptoe away and go and nick a few more motorists.His stable was in decent nick before bad weather set in.In the end we could have nicked something.Cut a small nick in the skin of each tomato.She is famously in good physical nick.We are outsiders but we can keep up the pressure and we might just nick it.We are more likely to have our cars nicked and our pockets picked.For more fun and games go to nick.It came in the nick of time.You can imagine one getting nicked but 25 is rather a lot.He doesn't look in bad nick and his mind is very much alive.We won't shut up shop and try to nick something.THREE bungling robbers were nicked by police after their bank job getaway descended into farce. Chinese translation of 'nick' vt - (Brit, inf, = steal)
偷 (tōu) - (Brit, inf, = arrest)
抓获(獲) (zhuāhuò) - (= cut)
刮(颳)破 (guāpò)
n (c) - (= scratch)
小伤(傷)口 (xiǎo shāngkǒu) (处, chù) to be nicked for doing sth (Brit, inf) 因做某事而被捕 (yīn zuò mǒushì ér bèibǔ) in good nick (Brit, inf) 状(狀)况(況)良好 (zhuàngkuàng liánghǎo) the nick (Brit, inf) 监(監)狱(獄) (jiānyù) in the nick of time 正当(當)紧(緊)要关(關)头(頭) (zhèng dāng jǐnyào guāntóu)
- nice to have met you
- nicely
- niche
- nick
- nickel
- nickname
- Nicole, who you've met, is getting married
- the nick
- in good nick
- in the nick of time
Definition a small notch or cut The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick below my right eye. Definition a prison or police station (British, slang) He spent a few years in the nick for smuggling. Synonyms can (slang) clink (slang) stir (slang) cooler (slang) jug (slang) penitentiary (US) slammer (slang) lockuppenal institution choky (slang) poky or pokey (US, Canadian, slang) boob (Australian, slang) Definition to steal (slang British) We used to nick biscuits from the kitchen. Synonyms trouser (slang) knock off (slang) snitch (slang) Definition to arrest The police nicked me for carrying an offensive weapon. Synonyms take into custody run in (slang) take prisoner feel your collar (slang) Definition to make a small cut in A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood. Additional synonymsDefinition to arrest and take into custody Police have not apprehended the perpetrator. Synonyms arrest, catch, lift (slang), nick (slang, British), capture, seize, run in (slang), take, nail (informal), bust (informal), collar (informal), pinch (informal), nab (informal), take prisoner, feel your collar (slang) Definition (of the police) to raid or search (a place) or arrest (someone) They were busted for possession of cannabis. Synonyms arrest, catch, lift (slang), raid, cop (slang), nail (informal), collar (informal), nab (informal), feel your collar (slang) Definition a mark left where a small piece has been broken off something The washbasin had a small chip in it. Synonyms scratch, nick, flaw, notch, dentAdditional synonymsDefinition to break small pieces from She chipped her tooth.Steel baths are light, but they chip easily. Synonyms nick, damage, gashDefinition to seize As Kerr fled towards the exit, Boycott collared him. Synonyms seize, catch, arrest, appropriate, grab, capture, nail (informal), nab (informal), apprehend, lay hands on Definition a hollow in the surface of something There was a dent in the bonnet of the car. Synonyms hollow, chip, indentation, depression, impression, pit, dip, crater, ding (Australian, New Zealand, obsolete, informal), dimple, concavity Definition to identify as a criminal or suspect They fingered him to the police. Synonyms inform on, shop (slang, British), grass (British, slang), rat (informal), betray, notify, peach (slang), tip off, squeal (slang), leak to, incriminate, tell on (informal), blow the whistle on (informal), snitch (slang), blab, nark (British, Australian, New Zealand, slang), inculpate, dob in (Australian, slang) Definition a prison Three prisoners escaped from a jail. Synonyms prison, penitentiary (US), jailhouse (Southern US), penal institution, can (slang), inside, cooler (slang), confinement, dungeon, clink (slang), glasshouse (informal), brig (US), borstal, calaboose (US, informal), choky (slang), pound, nick (British, slang), stir (slang), jug (slang), slammer (slang), lockup, reformatory, quod (slang), poky or pokey (US, Canadian, slang), boob (Australian, slang) Definition to plagiarize (music or writing) a cartoonish device lifted from a Laurel and Hardy sequence Synonyms steal, take, copy, appropriate, nick (slang, British), pocket, trouser (slang), pinch (informal), pirate, cabbage (British, slang), knock off (slang), crib (informal), half-inch (old-fashioned, slang), blag (slang), pilfer, purloin (formal), plagiarize, thieveSynonyms prison, can (slang), cell, cooler (slang), jug (slang), police cell, jail or gaol, boob (Australian, slang) Definition a visible impression on a surface, such as a spot or scratch The dogs rub against the walls and make dirty marks. Synonyms spot, stain, streak, smudge, line, nick, impression, scratch, bruise, scar, dent, blot, blemish, blotch, pock, splotch, smirch Definition to make a visible impression, trace, or stain on How do you stop the horses marking the turf? Synonyms scar, scratch, dent, imprint, nick, brand, impress, stain, bruise, streak, blot, smudge, blemish, blotch, splotch, smirch Definition to arrest (someone) He stayed on the run for weeks before the authorities nabbed him. Synonyms catch, arrest, apprehend, seize, lift (slang), nick (slang, British), grab, capture, nail (informal), collar (informal), snatch, catch in the act, feel your collar (slang) Additional synonymsDefinition to arrest or catch (someone) The police have been trying to nail him for years. Synonyms catch, arrest, capture, apprehend, lift (slang), trap, nab (informal), snare, ensnare, entrap, feel your collar (slang) Definition a V-shaped cut The blade had a hole through the middle and a notch on one side. Synonyms cut, nick, incision, indentation, mark, score, cleftDefinition to cut a notch in a bamboo walking stick with a notched handle Synonyms cut, mark, score, nick, scratch, indentDefinition to steal (minor items) in small quantities Staff were pilfering cash from the bar. Synonyms steal, take, rob, lift (informal), nick (slang, British), appropriate, trouser (slang), rifle, pinch (informal), cabbage (British, slang), swipe (slang), knock off (slang), embezzle, blag (slang), walk off with, snitch (slang), purloin, filch, snaffle (British, informal), thieveDefinition to steal pickpockets who pinched his wallet Synonyms steal, rob, snatch, lift (informal), nick (slang, British), trouser (slang), cabbage (British, slang), swipe (slang), knock off (slang), blag (slang), pilfer, snitch (slang), purloin, filch, snaffle (British, informal) Definition to arrest He was pinched for doing 31 mph. Synonyms arrest, do (slang), lift (slang), pick up (slang), nick (slang, British), run in (slang), nail (informal), bust (informal), collar (informal), pull in (British, slang), nab (informal), apprehend, take into custody, feel your collar (slang) Definition a mark left on the skin following the healing of a wound He had a scar on his forehead. Synonyms mark, injury, wound, trauma, blemish, discoloration, pockmark, naevus, cicatrix Definition to mark or become marked with a scar He was scarred for life during a pub fight. Synonyms mark, disfigure, damage, brand, mar, mutilate, maim, blemish, deface, traumatize, disfeature low maths scores Synonyms rating, mark, grade, percentage Definition to make cuts or lines in or on Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a sharp cook's knife. Synonyms cut, scratch, nick, mark, mar, slash, scrape, notch, graze, gash, gouge, deface, indent, crosshatch, make a groove in Additional synonymsDefinition a slight cut on a person's or an animal's body He walked away from the accident without a scratch. Synonyms cut, wound, scrape, graze, abrasion, lacerationDefinition to mark or cut (the surface of something) with a rough or sharp instrument Knives will scratch the worktop. Synonyms mark, cut, score, damage, grate, graze, etch, lacerate, incise, make a mark on Definition to take by force or capture seize the means of production Synonyms capture, catch, arrest, get, nail (informal), grasp, collar (informal), hijack, abduct, nab (informal), apprehend, take captive Definition to steal (something) People kept trying to swipe my copy of the New York Times. Synonyms steal, nick (slang, British), pinch (informal), lift (informal), appropriate, trouser (slang), cabbage (British, slang), knock off (slang), make off with, pilfer, purloin (formal), filch, snaffle (British, informal) |