In a computer, the disk is the part where information is stored.
The program takes up 2.5 megabytes of disk space.
2. See also disk drive, floppy disk, hard disk
disk in British English
1. a variant spelling (esp US and Canadian) of disc
2. Also called: magnetic disk, hard disk computing
a direct-access storage device consisting of a stack of plates coated with a magnetic layer, the whole assembly rotating rapidly as a single unit. Each surface has a read-write head that can move radially to read or write data on concentric tracks
Compare drum1 (sense 9), See also floppy disk
disk in American English
a thin, flat, circular thing of any material
anything like this in form
the moon's disk
any of the sharp, circular blades of a disk harrow
4. Anatomy
a layer of fibrous connective tissue with small masses of cartilage among the fibers, occurring between adjacent vertebrae
5. Botany
disk flower
a circular nectary around the center of some flowers
a thin, flat, circular plate coated with ferromagnetic particles, on which computer data can be stored
8. Obsolete
Word origin
L discus: see discus
disk in Mechanical Engineering
(dɪsk) or disc
Word forms: (regular plural) disks
(Mechanical engineering: General)
A disk is a thin, flat, circular object.
The valve can be a circular disk or a ball.
A wheel is a disk-shaped object, which transfers linear motion into rotary motion and vice versa.
A disk is a thin, flat, circular object.
disk in Electrical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) disks
(Electrical engineering: Computing and control, Digital)
A disk is a memory device that uses a magnetic medium for the storage of information.
Its rewritable disk format also allows the player to save created tracks.
The program takes up 2.5 megabytes of disk space, and can be run on a standard personal computer.
A disk is a memory device that uses a magnetic medium for the storage of information.
Examples of 'disk' in a sentence
It also allows the file to use less disk space.
Christianity Today (2000)
Examples include magnetic tapes and magnetic disks.
Samways, B. & Byrne-Jones, T. Computers Basic Facts (1983)
The plant produces components for computer hard disk drives.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
She left with a bag of computer disks to pass on to her military.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Computer disks containing the information were lost in the post.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Software is the floppy disk on which instructions and information are written.
Dyson, Freeman Infinite in All Directions (1989)
Examples are magnetic cards or magnetic disks.
Samways, B. & Byrne-Jones, T. Computers Basic Facts (1983)
One of his computer disks also had an encrypted area.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Pocket calculators existed before there were floppy disks.
Dyson, Freeman Infinite in All Directions (1989)
He wondered how easy it would be to put details of international businesses on a computer disk.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Now hardware is silicon chips and software is floppy disks.
Dyson, Freeman Infinite in All Directions (1989)
It turns your floppy disk into a hard drive.
The Sun (2007)
Second, you may have a shortage of hard disk space.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Police seized about 100 computer memory disks and hard drives from the house.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Once stored on your box, content stays there until you need to free up disk space.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
When you delete the e-mail the main magnetic disk information is erased.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
If there were a fire, you would lose what is on the hard disk.
The Sun (2013)
What's the best way to use it to back up my computer hard disk for safety?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
A magnetic disk or drum uses circular tracks for storing data.
Samways, B. & Byrne-Jones, T. Computers Basic Facts (1983)
The burglars forced open a window and took the laptop, an external drive and a bag containing computer disks.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
I received the disk containing the e-mails some months ago, but it has taken me time to look at it.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Word lists with
parts of a computer
In other languages
British English: disk /dɪsk/ NOUN
In a computer, the disk is the part where information is stored.
The program takes up 2.5 megabytes of disk space.
American English: disk
Arabic: قُرْص
Brazilian Portuguese: disco
Chinese: 光盘
Croatian: disk
Czech: disk
Danish: harddisk
Dutch: schijf
European Spanish: disco informática
Finnish: levy
French: disque
German: Scheibe CD
Greek: δίσκος
Italian: disco
Japanese: ディスク
Korean: 디스크
Norwegian: plate
Polish: dysk
European Portuguese: disco
Romanian: disc
Russian: дисковое запоминающее устройство
Latin American Spanish: disco
Swedish: disk skiva
Thai: แผ่นดิสก์
Turkish: disk
Ukrainian: диск
Vietnamese: ổ đĩa
All related terms of 'disk'
A disc is a flat, circular shape or object.
disk pack
a collection of magnetic disks stacked vertically and encased in a cover and which can be used as a storage device for a computer
hard disk
A computer's hard disk is a stiff magnetic disk on which data and programs can be stored.
sun disk
a disk flanked by two serpents and set in a pair of outspread wings: a symbol of the Egyptian sun god, Ra
zip disk
A zip disk is a computer disk, similar to a floppy disk but capable of storing greater amounts of data .
clutch disk
The clutch disk or clutch plate is the rotating part of the clutch, to which the friction material is attached.
disk brake
A disk brake is a brake in which external friction pads press onto a disk, usually by the action of a caliper.
disk crash
the failure of a disk storage system, usually resulting from the read-write head touching the moving disk surface and causing mechanical damage
disk drive
The disk drive on a computer is the part that contains the disk or into which a disk can be inserted . The disk drive allows you to read information from the disk and store information on the disk.
disk flower
any of the tubular flowers that make up the central disk of the flower head of a composite plant
disk harrow
a harrow with sharp , revolving circular blades , used to break up soil for sowing
disk jockey
→ disc jockey
disk space
a number of bytes on a disk for the storage of data
disk wheel
a wheel made solid from rim to hub instead of having spokes
fixed disk
a disk drive that permanently holds the disk platters
floppy disk
A floppy disk is a small magnetic disk that was used in the past for storing computer data and programs . Floppy disks were used especially with personal computers.
master disk
an original disk from which duplicates are made
optic disk
→ blind spot (sense 1 )
Secchi disk
a circular, white or colored disk lowered into a body of water to estimate the clarity of the water by measuring the depth at which it disappears
system disk
the disk from which a computer boots up
video disk
an inflexible disc on which information is stored in digital form by laser technology
computer disk
a computer data storage device such as a hard drive or floppy disk
disk capacity
the maximum number of bytes that can be held on a disk
disk storage
space for storing information on a disk
flexible disk
a flexible removable magnetic disk that stores information and can be used to store data for use in a microprocessor
germinal disk
a disklike spot in a fertilized ovum in which the first traces of the embryo are visible
magnetic disk
→ disk (sense 6 )
optical disk
an inflexible disc on which information is stored in digital form by laser technology
slipped disk
a herniated intervertebral disk , esp. of the lumbar spine , often causing sciatica
systems disk
a disk used to store computer programs , esp the basic operating programs of a computer
Winchester disk
a now obsolete type of hard disk in which the disks were permanently sealed , together with read-write heads, in an airtight container to keep dust out
high-density disk
a computer storage disk capable of holding more than 720 kilobytes of data
intervertebral disk
a disk of fibrous cartilage between adjacent vertebral surfaces
single-sided disk
a disk that used only one side for recording data
video disk player
a device that reads the information on a video disc
a disk similar in size to a long-playing record, on which data is stored in pits in a similar way to data storage on a compact disc , used esp for storing high-quality video
laser disc
A laser disc is a shiny flat disk which can be played on a machine which uses lasers to convert signals on the disk into television pictures and sound of a very high quality.
disk operating system
an operating system used on a computer system with one or more disk drives
double-density disk
a disk with more than the normal capacity for storage
floppy (disk) drive
the controller and mechanism for reading and writing data on floppy disks
single density disk
a disk with the normal capacity for storage
disc drive
the controller and mechanism for reading and writing data on computer disks
digital versatile disk
digital versatile or digital video disk : an optical disk used to store audio , video, or computer data , esp feature films for home viewing
compact disc
Compact discs are small shiny discs that contain music or computer information . The abbreviation → CD is also used.
disc jockey
A disc jockey is someone who plays and introduces music on the radio or at a party or nightclub .
hard drive
A computer's hard drive is its hard disk, or the part that contains the hard disk.