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English translation of '的'


  1. target
    ⇒ 目的 (mùdì) goal

see also

(de) , (dí)

  1. 见下文 的确(確) see also (de) , (dì)


  1. (用于定语后)
    ⇒ 昂贵的价格 (ángguì de jiàgé) high price
    ⇒ 他的哥哥 (tā de gēge) his elder brother
    ⇒ 经理的秘书 (jīnglǐ de mìshū) the manager's secretary
    ⇒ 住在那座房子里的夫妇很少出去。 (Zhù zài nà zuò fángzi li de fūfù hěn shǎo chūqù.) The couple who live in that house rarely go out.
    ⇒ 你买的书真有意思。 (Nǐ mǎi de shū zhēn yǒu yìsi.) The book you bought is really interesting.
    ⇒ 进行的改革有一定的效力。 (Jìnxíng de gǎigé yǒu yīdìng de xiàolì.) The reforms that were brought in had some effect.
    ⇒ 我最喜欢的裙子在这儿买不到。 (Wǒ zuì xǐhuān de qúnzi zài zhèr mǎi bù dào.) The skirt which I like the best is not on sale here.
  2. (名词化)
    ⇒ 画画的 (huàhuà de) painter
    ⇒ 这是你的,那是我的。 (Zhè shì nǐ de, nà shì wǒ de.) This is yours and that is mine.
  3. (用于是 ... 的强调结构)
    ⇒ 我的嗓子是喊哑的。 (Wǒ de sǎngzi shì hǎnyǎ de.) My voice became hoarse from shouting.
Use 的 (de) to link descriptive words, phrases and clauses to the noun they describe, e.g. 她是一个很漂亮的女人。 (Tā shì yī gè hěn piàoliang de nǚrén.) (She is a very beautiful woman.); 这是他昨天给我的书。 (Zhè shì tā zuótiān gěi wǒ de shū.) (This is the book which he gave me yesterday.)

see also

(dí) , (dì)




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