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View usage for: (nɒnkəmɪtəl) also non-committal adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]You can describe someone as noncommittal when they deliberately do not express their opinion or intentions clearly. Mr Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporationhas created. Sylvia's face was noncommittal. ...a very bland non-committal answer. Synonyms: evasive, politic, reserved, guarded More Synonyms of noncommittal noncommittally adverb [ADVERB after verb] 'I like some of his novels better than others,' I said noncommittally. noncommittal in British English (ˌnɒnkəˈmɪtəl) adjective1. not involving or revealing commitment to any particular opinion or course of action a noncommittal reply 2. rare having no outstanding quality, meaning, etc noncommittal in American English (ˌnɑnkəˈmɪtəl) US adjective1. not committing one to any point of view or course of action; not revealing one's position or purpose 2. having no definite quality, meaning, etc. Derived forms noncommittally (ˌnoncomˈmittally) adverb Examples of 'noncommittal' in a sentencenoncommittal The way in which the story is both narrated and enacted can seem cautious and noncommittal.The noncommittal silence of the place annoyed him.She said something bland and noncommittal in a number of different ways.Faced with the same noncommittal response he went away again.The answers to his questions at a general level are also conventional, and even noncommittal. Definition not committing oneself to any particular opinion I've got a nasty feeling that I shall get a very bland non-committal answer. Synonyms evasive reserved tentative temporizing unrevealing Additional synonymsDefinition having more than one possible interpretation His remarks clarify an ambiguous statement given earlier this week. Synonyms unclear, puzzling, uncertain, obscure, vague, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, indefinite, inconclusive, cryptic, indeterminate, equivocal, Delphic, oracular, enigmatical, clear as mud (informal) Definition cautious in attitude or action One has to be extremely careful when dealing with these people. Synonyms cautious, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, circumspect, punctilious (formal), chary, heedful, thoughtful, discreetDefinition showing or having caution Mr King clearly has a cautious approach to change. Synonyms careful, guarded, alert, wary, discreet, tentative, prudent, vigilant, watchful, judicious, circumspect, cagey (informal), on your toes, chary, belt-and-braces, keeping a weather eye on, heedfulNearby words ofnoncommittal - nonchalance
- nonchalant
- noncombatant
- noncommittal
- nonconformist
- nonconformity
- nondescript
Additional synonymsDefinition cautious and careful not to take risks You should have been more circumspect in your dealings with him. Synonyms cautious, politic, guarded, careful, wary, discriminating, discreet, sage, prudent, canny, attentive, vigilant, watchful, judicious, observant, sagacious (formal), heedfulDefinition careful to avoid embarrassment when dealing with secret or private matters He followed at a discreet distance. Synonyms tactful, diplomatic, politic, reserved, guarded, careful, sensible, cautious, wary, discerning, prudent, considerate, judicious, circumspect, sagaciousDefinition of doubtful character or sincerity Her equivocal response gave nothing away. Synonyms ambiguous, uncertain, misleading, obscure, suspicious, vague, doubtful, dubious, questionable, ambivalent, indefinite, evasive, oblique, indeterminate, prevaricating, oracularDefinition cautious and avoiding any commitment The boy gave him a guarded reply. Synonyms cautious, reserved, careful, suspicious, restrained, wary, discreet, prudent, reticent, circumspect, cagey (informal), leery (slang), noncommittalDefinition without exact limits The trial was adjourned for an indefinite period. Synonyms uncertain, general, vague, unclear, unsettled, loose, unlimited, evasive, indeterminate, imprecise, undefined, equivocal, ill-defined, indistinct, undetermined, inexact, unfixed, oracularDefinition of or belonging to a neutral party or country Those who had decided to remain neutral now found themselves forced to take sides. Synonyms unbiased, impartial, disinterested, even-handed, dispassionate, sitting on the fence, uninvolved, noncommittal, nonpartisan, unprejudiced, nonaligned, unaligned, noncombatant, nonbelligerent Definition wise or possibly advantageous Many people found it politic to change their allegiance. Synonyms wise, diplomatic, sensible, discreet, prudent, advisable, expedient, judicious, tactful, sagacious (formal), in your best interests I decided it wouldn't be tactful to order another beer. Synonyms diplomatic, politic, discreet, prudent, understanding, sensitive, polished, careful, subtle, delicate, polite, thoughtful, perceptive, considerate, judicious, treating with kid gloves Definition deliberately withholding information His answer was deliberately vague. Synonyms imprecise, unspecified, generalized, rough, loose, ambiguous, hazy, equivocal, ill-defined, non-specific, inexact, obfuscatory, inexplicit Definition cautious or on one's guard Keep a wary eye on children when they are playing near water. Synonyms watchful, careful, alert, cautious, prudent, attentive, vigilant, circumspect, heedful, on the lookout, wide-awake, on the qui vive |