释义 |
English translation of '目标' 名 - (= 对象)
target ⇒ 雾太大,看不清目标。 (Wù tài dà, kàn bù qīng mùbiāo.) The fog's too heavy — we can't see the target properly.
⇒ 他们侦察了一个晚上,也没发现目标。 (Tāmen zhēnchále yī gè wǎnshang, yě méi fāxiàn mùbiāo.) They searched all evening, but didn't find what they were looking for.
- (= 目的)
goal ⇒ 有目标的生活才有意义。 (Yǒu mùbiāo de shēnghuó cái yǒu yìyì.) Life only has meaning if you have goals.