The electromagnetic field leakage levels of nonionizing radiation from a microwave oven have been estimated within a complex indoor scenario.
Peio Lopez-Iturri, Silvia de Miguel-Bilbao, Erik Aguirre, Leire Azpilicueta, FranciscoFalcone, Victoria Ramos 2015, 'Estimation of Radiofrequency Power Leakage from Microwave Ovens for Dosimetric Assessmentat Nonionizing Radiation Exposure Levels', BioMed Research International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Materials are compared according to both ionizing and nonionizing effects produced by the passage of protons.
Ljubinko Timotijevic, Irfan Fetahovic, Djordje Lazarevic, Milos Vujisic 2013, 'Simulation of Proton Beam Effects in Thin Insulating Films', International Journal of Photoenergy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (