a decorative lining of vellum or leather, etc, on the inside of a book cover
Word origin
C19: from French: lining, from Old French doubler to make double
doublure in American English
(dəˈblur, duː-, French duːˈblʏʀ)
nounWord forms: plural-blures (-ˈblurz, French -ˈblʏʀ)
an ornamental lining of a book cover
Word origin
[1885–90; ‹ F: a lining, equiv. to doubl(er) to line (lit., to double) + -ure-ure]This word is first recorded in the period 1885–90. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: classified, foregut, lineup, retread, sensitization-ure an abstract-noun suffix of action, result, and instrument, occurring in loanwordsfrom French and Latin. Other words that use the affix -ure include: figure, measure, quadrature, structure, texture