However, in general, volatility functions for minimizing the cost function are nonunique.
Yuzi Jin, Jian Wang, Sangkwon Kim, Youngjin Heo, Changwoo Yoo, Youngrock Kim, JunseokKim, Darae Jeong 2018, 'Reconstruction of the Time-Dependent Volatility Function Using the Black–Scholes Model',Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The results show nonunique solutions for the shrinking case.
Syahira Mansur, Anuar Ishak, Ioan Pop 2014, 'Three-Dimensional Flow and Heat Transfer Past a Permeable Exponentially Stretching/ShrinkingSheet in a Nanofluid', Journal of Applied Mathematics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Some malformations were unique to twins (conjoined twins n = 5, acardiac twin n = 3) and others were nonunique to twins.
Maria de Lourdes Brizot, Marisa Marie Fujita, Nádia Stela Viegas dos Reis, Jorge DemétrioBanduki Neto, Schultz Regina, Seizo Miyadahira, Marcelo Zugaib 2000, 'Malformações Fetais em Gestação Múltipla Fetal Malformations and Multiple Pregnancy',Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We show that solutions exist under certain regularity assumptions on the domain, but are generally nonunique.
Lahti Panu, Malý Lukáš, Shanmugalingam Nageswari 2018, 'An Analog of the Neumann Problem for the 1-Laplace Equation in the Metric Setting:Existence, Boundary Regularity, and Stability', Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Thus, it appears that traditional effective mobilities are not true parameters; rather, they are infinitely nonunique.
Bentsen R. G. 2006, 'Impact of Model Error on the Measurement of Flow Properties Needed to Describe FlowThrough Porous Media La répercussion de l'erreur de modèle sur la mesure des propriétésd'un débit nécessaires pour décrire ce dernier à travers un milieu poreux', Oil & Gas Science and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (