A viewfinder is a small square of glass in a camera that you look through in order to see what you are going to photograph.
viewfinder in British English
a device on a camera, consisting of a lens system and sometimes a ground-glass screen, enabling the user to see what will be included in his or her photograph
Sometimes shortened to: finder
viewfinder in American English
a camera device, as a special lens or small video screen, that shows the camera user images of objects or actions exactly as they will appear in the photograph, on the TV screen, etc.
Examples of 'viewfinder' in a sentence
`It was Mount Sinai,' the photographer said, eye glued to his viewfinder.
Richard Francis PROSPECT HILL (2003)
The two men in the viewfinder were talking, Macleod doing most of it.
Terman, Douglas CORMORANT (2003)
He was standing facing them, one hand directing them as he watched them in the viewfinder.
Miller, Sue FAMILY PICTURES (2003)
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In other languages
British English: viewfinder NOUN
A viewfinder is a device on a camera that shows you what you are going to photograph.