the northernmost county of England, on the North Sea; became a unitary authority in 2009: hilly in the north (the Cheviots) and west (the Pennines), with many Roman remains, notably Hadrian's Wall; formerly known for shipbuilding, coal mining, now has pharmaceuticals, biotechnology. Administrative centre: Morpeth. Pop: 310 600 (2007 est). Area: 5032 sq km (1943 sq miles)
Abbreviation: Northd
Northumberland in British English2
1st Duke of, title of John Dudley. 1502–53, English statesman and soldier, who governed England (1549–53) during the minority of Edward VI. His attempt (1553) to gain the throne for his daughter-in-law, Lady Jane Grey, led to his execution
Northumberland in American English
northernmost county of England: 1,941 sq mi (5,027 sq km); pop. 305,000; county seat, Newcastle-upon-Tyne