An arch is a structure that is curved at the top and is supported on either side by a pillar , post , or wall .
Court of Arches
the court of appeal of the Province of Canterbury , formerly held under the arches of Bow Church
keel arch
a pointed arch having an S-shaped curve on both sides
ogee arch
a pointed arch having an S-shaped curve on both sides
skew arch
an arch or vault , esp one used in a bridge or tunnel , that is set at an oblique angle to the span
acute arch
a narrow acutely pointed arch having two centres of equal radii
braced arch
an arch of steel , timber , etc., having a trusslike framework maintaining rigidity under a variety of eccentric loads : a true arch because it is fixed or tied at both sides of the base
fallen arch
collapse of the arch formed by the instep of the foot, resulting in flat feet
Gothic arch
a pointed arch
lancet arch
a narrow acutely pointed arch having two centres of equal radii
Norman arch
a semicircular arch , esp one in the Romanesque style of architecture developed by the Normans in England
pelvic girdle
the skeletal structure to which the lower limbs in humans , and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates , are attached
pointed arch
a narrow acutely pointed arch having two centres of equal radii
Roman arch
a semicircular arch
round arch
a semicircular arch
tented arch
a particular arch-like pattern in a fingerprint
wheel arch
The wheel arch is the semicircular part positioned above the wheel of a vehicle .
branchial arch
one of a series of bony or cartilaginous arches on each side of the pharynx that support the gills of fishes and aquatic amphibians ; gill bar
horseshoe arch
an arch formed in the shape of a horseshoe , esp as used in Moorish architecture
pectoral girdle
a skeletal support to which the front or upper limbs of a vertebrate are attached
segmental arch
a shallow arch not including a complete semicircle
squinch arch
a small arch, corbelling , etc, across an internal corner of a tower , used to support a superstructure such as a spire
triumphal arch
an arch built to commemorate a victory
zygomatic arch
the slender arch of bone that forms a bridge between the cheekbone and the temporal bone on each side of the skull of mammals
proscenium arch
the arch separating the stage from the auditorium
a small arch , corbelling , etc, across an internal corner of a tower , used to support a superstructure such as a spire