

单词 dull as ditchwater

Examples of 'dull as ditchwater' in a sentence
dull as ditchwater

In fact, it's as dull as ditchwater.We've all seen that and it's as dull as ditchwater.Of hushed resignation at the dull-as-ditchwater dross being served up.The new show is dull as ditchwater.Horse presentations after big-race successes are dull as ditchwater in this country.The truth is, it doesn't have to be a dull-as-ditchwater variety.The draw was as dull as ditchwater.That might sharpen their dull-as-ditchwater minds a little.Based on the dull-as-ditchwater construction-themed toy, each of the designs is created using a selection from 21 standard-assembly parts.And it's as dull as ditchwater.




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