A Shaker is a member of an American religious group whose members live in communities and have a very simple life.
the Shakers
an American millenarian sect , founded in 1747 as an offshoot of the Quakers , given to ecstatic shaking , advocating celibacy for its members, and practising common ownership of property
movers and shakers
The movers and shakers in a place or area of activity are the people who have most power or influence.
bone shaker
an early-model bicycle , esp. one with hard rubber tires
flour shaker
a container, often with a perforated top, from which flour is shaken
salad shaker
a portable plastic container which is used for storing salad and which has a separate compartment for salad dressing . The dressing is put on the salad just before it is eaten and the container can then be shaken to spread the salad dressing evenly.
salt shaker
A salt shaker is the same as a → salt cellar .
shale shaker
A shale shaker is a moving screen which removes cuttings from the mud so they can be disposed of.
sugar shaker
a container with holes in the top, used for sprinkling sugar onto food
the movers and shakers
the people who take an active part in a particular event, organization or movement and who often bring in new developments