Easter is a Christian festival when Jesus Christ's return to life is celebrated. It is celebrated on a Sunday in March or April.
'Happy Easter,' he yelled.
...the first Easter morning.
2. variable noun [oft NOUN noun]
Easter is the period of several days around and including Easter Sunday.
They usually have a walking holiday at Easter.
She spends her Easter holidays taking groups of children to France.
The government declared Easter Monday a public holiday.
Easter in British English
the most important festival of the Christian Church, commemorating the Resurrection of Christ: falls on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox
2. Also called: Easter Sunday, Easter Day
the day on which this festival is celebrated
the period between Good Friday and Easter Monday
▶ Related adjective: paschal
Word origin
Old English ēastre, after a Germanic goddess Eostre; related to Old High German ōstarūn Easter, Old Norse austr to the east, Old Slavonic ustru like summer
Easter in American English
an annual Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, held on the first Sunday after the date of the first full moon that occurs on or after March 21
the Sunday of this festival
: also Easter Sunday
Word origin
ME ester < OE eastre, pl. eastron, spring, Easter; orig., name of pagan vernal festival almost coincident in date withpaschal festival of the church < Eastre, dawn goddess < PGmc *Austro (> Ger Ostern) < IE base *awes-: see east
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Examples of 'Easter' in a sentence
The stars shone out of a clear sky on to quiet streets: the undergraduates had left for the Easter vacation.
The Easter holidays descended amid palms and Stations of the Cross and Easter eggs.
Cassidy, Anne IN REAL LIFE
Easter put her slim hand on the back of Wednesday's square gray hand.
Neil Gaiman AMERICAN GODS (2001)
Word lists with
Religious festivals
In other languages
British English: Easter /ˈiːstə/ NOUN
Easter is a Christian festival and holiday, when the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated.
American English: Easter
Arabic: عِيدُ الفِصْح
Brazilian Portuguese: Páscoa
Chinese: 复活节
Croatian: Uskrs
Czech: Velikonoce
Danish: påske
Dutch: Pasen
European Spanish: Semana Santa
Finnish: pääsiäinen
French: Pâques
German: Ostern
Greek: Πάσχα
Italian: Pasqua
Japanese: 復活祭
Korean: 부활절
Norwegian: påske
Polish: Wielkanoc
European Portuguese: Páscoa
Romanian: Paști
Russian: Пасха
Latin American Spanish: Semana Santa
Swedish: påsk
Thai: วันอีสเตอร์
Turkish: Paskalya
Ukrainian: Великдень
Vietnamese: lễ Phục sinh
Definition of 'Easter'
All related terms of 'Easter'
Easter Day
the Sunday on which the festival of Easter is celebrated
Easter egg
An Easter egg is an egg made of chocolate that is given as a present at Easter. In some countries , Easter eggs are hidden and children then look for them.
Easter lily
any of various lilies , esp Lilium longiflorum, that have large showy white flowers
Easter term
the term at the Inns of Court following the Hilary term
Easter week
the week that begins with Easter Day and ends the following Saturday
Easter bonnet
an especially pretty or fancy hat designed for a woman to wear to church on Easter Sunday or, especially, in an Easter parade
Easter bunny
a rabbit that according to tradition brings Easter eggs to good children
Easter cactus
a Brazilian cactus , Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri , widely cultivated as an ornamental for its showy red flowers
Easter Island
an isolated volcanic island in the Pacific , 3700 km (2300 miles) west of Chile , of which it is a dependency : discovered on Easter Sunday , 1722; annexed by Chile in 1888; noted for the remains of an aboriginal culture , which includes gigantic stone figures . Pop: 3791 (2002). Area: 166 sq km (64 sq miles)
a pudding made from the young leaves of the bistort
Easter Monday
the day after Easter Day, a public holiday in the UK and many other Christian countries
Easter parade
a parade held on or near Easter Day, in particular a strolling procession in and around Fifth Avenue New York City ( celebrated by Irving Berlin in a song , which gave rise to a film of the same name) for which people dress up in especially smart clothes; this derives from an older tradition of wearing new clothes at Easter in honour of the festival .
Easter Rising
an armed insurrection in Dublin in 1916 against British rule in Ireland : the insurgents proclaimed the establishment of an independent Irish republic before surrendering , 16 of the leaders later being executed
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday is the Sunday in March or April when Easter is celebrated .
Easter Islander
a native or inhabitant of Easter Island
Easter communion
the act of receiving communion in church on Easter Day - considered special because of the primacy of Easter among Christian festivals and because many people regard taking Easter communion as a basic token of membership of their church
Easter sepulchre
a burial vault , tomb , or grave
March break
a school holiday , usually for a week , during March
A sepulchre is a building or room in which a dead person is buried.