A sheep is a farm animal which is covered with thick curly hair called wool. Sheep are kept for their wool or for their meat.
...grassland on which a flock of sheep were grazing.
2. plural noun [usu likeN]
If you say that a group of people are like sheep, you disapprove of them because if one person does something, all the others copy that person.
3. See also black sheep
sheep in British English
nounWord forms: pluralsheep
any of various bovid mammals of the genus Ovis and related genera, esp O. aries (domestic sheep), having transversely ribbed horns and a narrow face. There are many breeds of domestic sheep, raised for their wool and for meat
▶ Related adjective: ovine
2. Barbary sheep
a meek or timid person, esp one without initiative
4. separate the sheep from the goats
Derived forms
sheeplike (ˈsheepˌlike)
Word origin
Old English sceap; related to Old Frisian skēp, Old Saxon scāp, Old High German scāf
SHEEP in British English
acronym for
Sky High Earnings Expectations Possibly: applied to investments that appear to offer high returns but may be unreliable
sheep in American English
nounWord forms: pluralsheep
any of a wide variety of bovid ruminants, with horns in both sexes; esp., the domesticated sheep (Ovis aries), having heavy wool, edible flesh called mutton, and skin used in making leather, parchment, etc.
leather made from the skin of the sheep, as for bookbinding
a person who is meek, stupid, timid, submissive, etc.
make sheep's eyes at
Word origin
ME schep < OE sceap, scæp, akin to Ger schaf: known only in WGmc
More idioms containing
the black sheep
separate the sheep from the goats
someone might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
Many people see sheep in the fields as fluffy blobs and give them no more thought.
The Sun (2011)
There are many sheep farmers here but not a single driving instructor.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
If they could only get their teeth on one of those sheep.
Christianity Today (2000)
Run a couple of sheep or another animal?
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Wool from the sheep raised around here on the farms.
Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels (1993)
This site was overgrown but is now being restored by cattle and sheep grazing.
Perring, Franklyn A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage (1991)
Now scrub is being cleared and sheep grazing has been introduced.
Perring, Franklyn A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage (1991)
They have also found the bones of sheep and cattle that would have been used to feed the crew.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There are no laws of nature which say that only sheep can produce wool or that only bees can harvest honey.
Dyson, Freeman Infinite in All Directions (1989)
My favourite animals are the sheep.
The Sun (2009)
About 40 per cent of samples taken on infected sheep farms were clear of the disease.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They'll put their heart and soul into breeding rare cattle or sheep or organic farming.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
In extreme conditions, livestock farmers who farm their sheep out are at the mercy of the elements.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Not so good: sources sheep meat and wild boar from Italy.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
He is brought as a lamb to the slaughterBible: Isaiah
Word lists with
related adjectives, collective nouns, male animals, female animals, baby and young animals, fauna
In other languages
British English: sheep /ʃiːp/ NOUN
A sheep is a farm animal with a thick woolly coat.
American English: sheep
Arabic: خَرُوف
Brazilian Portuguese: carneiro
Chinese: 羊
Croatian: ovca
Czech: ovce
Danish: får
Dutch: schaap
European Spanish: oveja
Finnish: lammas
French: mouton animal
German: Schaf
Greek: πρόβατο
Italian: pecora
Japanese: 羊
Korean: 양
Norwegian: sau
Polish: owca
European Portuguese: carneiro
Romanian: oaie
Russian: овца
Latin American Spanish: oveja
Swedish: får
Thai: แกะ
Turkish: koyun
Ukrainian: вівця
Vietnamese: con cừu
All related terms of 'sheep'
any of various bovid mammals of the genus Ovis and related genera, esp O. aries ( domestic sheep ), having transversely ribbed horns and a narrow face. There are many breeds of domestic sheep, raised for their wool and for meat
any of several liquid disinfectants and insecticides in which sheep are immersed to kill vermin and germs in their fleece
sheep ked
a wingless dipterous fly, Melophagus ovinus, that is an external parasite of sheep: family Hippoboscidae
a large property for raising sheep
bell sheep
a sheep that a shearer is just starting to shear (and is allowed to finish ) as the bell rings for the end of a work period
black sheep
If you describe someone as the black sheep of their family or of a group that they are a member of, you mean that they are considered bad or worthless by other people in that family or group.
blue sheep
Dall sheep
a wild sheep ( Ovis dalli ) with white hair and long spiral horns , living in the mountains of NW North America
hair sheep
any variety of sheep growing hair instead of wool , yielding hides with a finer and tougher grain than those of wool sheep
Jacob sheep
the son of Isaac , twin brother of Esau , and father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel
sheep farm
an area of land used for raising sheep
sheep race
a single-file walkway for sheep at the entrance to a sheep-dip
sheep tick
a tick , Ixodes ricinus , that is parasitic on sheep, cattle, and humans and transmits the disease louping ill in sheep
sheep track
a pathway made by and used by sheep , often in rocky or mountainous terrain , and sometimes followed by hikers
Stone sheep
a wild sheep found in Yukon and the northern Rocky Mountains
Barbary sheep
→ aoudad
sheep farmer
a person who keeps sheep on a farm
sheep farming
the activity of keeping sheep on a farm
sheep fescue
a widespread perennial grass ( Festuca ovina ) of temperate climates , growing in small, grayish-green tufts
sheep laurel
a small E North American plant ( Kalmia angustifolia ) of the heath family, with pinkish flowers and evergreen leaves poisonous to sheep and other animals
sheep measles
a disease of sheep caused by infestation by the cysticerci of a dog tapeworm ( Taenia ovis )
sheep sorrel
a polygonaceous plant, Rumex acetosella, of the N hemisphere , having slightly bitter-tasting leaves and small reddish flowers
sheep station
a large sheep farm
mountain sheep
any wild sheep inhabiting mountainous regions
sheep's eyes
amorous or inviting glances
the act (of a dog, sheepdog , wolf , etc) of chasing a flock of sheep and biting or injuring the sheep
vegetable sheep
any of various species of the genus Raoulia , esp R . mammillaris or R. eximia, of New Zealand rocky mountains: a small low bush having white flowers and hairy leaves which, from a distance , make it look like a sheep
sheep's fescue
a temperate perennial tufted grass, Festuca ovina, with narrow inwardly rolled leaves
German sheep dog
a large wolflike breed of dog often used as a guard or guide dog and by the police
the black sheep
someone who is very different from the other people in their family or group and who is considered bad or worthless by them
a wingless dipterous fly, Melophagus ovinus, that is an external parasite of sheep: family Hippoboscidae
Rocky Mountain sheep
the bighorn sheep of the Rocky Mountains
make sheep's eyes at
to look shyly but amorously at
a wolf in sheep's clothing
someone who appears harmless or ordinary , but is really very dangerous or powerful
wolf in sheep's clothing
a malicious person in a harmless or benevolent disguise
German shepherd
one of a breed of large shepherd dogs having a coat ranging in color from gray to brindled , black-and-tan, or black, used esp. in police work and as a guide for blind people
separate the sheep from the goats
to examine a group of things or people and decide which ones are good and which are bad
make eyes
to ogle amorously
someone might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
said to mean that someone will suffer or be punished whatever they do, so they might as well do something really bad if they can get some enjoyment or profit from it
Chinese translation of 'sheep'
Word forms:plsheep
绵(綿)羊 (miányáng) (只, zhī)
related words
related adjectiveovine
name of maleramtup
name of femaleewe
name of younglambyeanling
collective nounflock
subject word lists
See Breeds of sheep
He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter [Bible: Isaiah]