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View usage for: (vɪrjʊləns) 1. uncountable nounVirulence is great bitterness and hostility. [formal] The virulence of the café owner's anger had appalled her. [+ of] 2. uncountable nounThe virulence of a disease or poison is its ability to harm or kill people or animals. Medical authorities were baffled, both as to its causes and its virulence. More Synonyms of virulence virulence in British English (ˈvɪrʊləns) or virulency noun1. the quality of being virulent 2. the capacity of a microorganism for causing disease virulence in American English (ˈvɪrjʊləns; ˈvɪrʊləns) noun1. the quality of being virulent, or very poisonous, noxious, malignant, etc. 2. bitter animosity; venom; rancor 3. the relative infectiousness of a microorganism causing disease Also ˈvirulency (ˈvɪrjulənsi; ˈvɪrʊlənsi) Examples of 'virulence' in a sentencevirulence The virulence of the replies he received from some was shocking even to me.She had never before been so humiliated, and the virulence of the café owner's anger had appalled her.Then, given certain stimuli--Starlight is one--the viruses are jolted into life, into virulence. Synonyms poison antagonism vindictiveness pungency Synonyms deadliness toxicity malignancy infectiousness harmfulness hurtfulness noxiousness poisonousness injuriousness virulency Additional synonymsDefinition bitterness and resentment felt about something The council's first meeting ended in acrimony. Synonyms bitterness, harshness, rancour, ill will, virulence, sarcasm, pungency, asperity, tartness, astringency, irascibility, peevishness, acerbity, churlishness, trenchancy, mordancy, spleenDefinition intense dislike He has been accused of stirring up hatred between nations. Synonyms hate, dislike, animosity, aversion, revulsion, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, abomination, ill will, animus, repugnance, odium (formal), detestation, execrationDefinition unfriendly and aggressive feelings or behaviour She looked at Ron with open hostility. Synonyms unfriendliness, hatred, animosity, spite, bitterness, malice, venom, antagonism, enmity, abhorrence, malevolence, detestation- virtuosity
- virtuoso
- virtuous
- virulence
- virulent
- viscera
- viscous
Additional synonymsDefinition unkind feeling He didn't bear anyone any ill will. Synonyms hostility, spite, dislike, hatred, envy, resentment, grudge, malice, animosity, aversion, venom, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, acrimony, rancour, bad blood, hard feelings, animus, malevolence, unfriendliness His actions betrayed a rare streak of malevolence. Synonyms malice, hate, spite, hatred, nastiness, rancour, ill will, vindictiveness, malignity, spitefulness, vengefulness, maliciousness Definition the desire to do harm or cause mischief to others There was no malice on his part. Synonyms spite, animosity, enmity, hate, hatred, bitterness, venom, spleen, rancour, bad blood, ill will, animus, malevolence, vindictiveness, evil intent, malignity, spitefulness, vengefulness, maliciousness Definition deep bitter hate `That's too bad,' he said without rancour. Synonyms hatred, hate, spite, hostility, resentment, bitterness, grudge, malice, animosity, venom, antipathy, spleen, enmity, ill feeling, bad blood, ill will, animus, malevolence, malignity, chip on your shoulder (informal), resentfulness Rigid policing can only feed resentment and undermine confidence. Synonyms bitterness, indignation, ill feeling, ill will, hurt, anger, rage, fury, irritation, grudge, wrath, malice, animosity, huff, ire, displeasure, pique, rancour, bad blood, umbrage, vexation, gall, chip on your shoulder (informal) Definition deliberate nastiness Never had she met such spite and pettiness. Synonyms malice, malevolence, ill will, hate, hatred, gall, animosity, venom, spleen, pique, rancour, bitchiness (slang), malignity, spitefulness Definition spitefulness or bad temper There were other targets for his spleen. Synonyms spite, anger, bitterness, hostility, hatred, resentment, wrath, gall, malice, animosity, venom, bile, bad temper, acrimony, pique, rancour, ill will, animus, malevolence, vindictiveness, malignity, spitefulness, ill humour, peevishness Definition a feeling of great bitterness or anger towards someone There was no mistaking the venom in his voice. Synonyms malice, hate, spite, bitterness, grudge, gall, acidity, spleen, acrimony, rancour, ill will, malevolence, virulence, pungency, malignity, spitefulness, maliciousness the razor-sharp viciousness of his remarks Synonyms malice, spite, malevolence, vindictiveness, bitterness, venom, rancour, bitchiness (slang), malignity, spitefulness, maliciousness |